May be caused by bacterial infections, hypersensitivities, parasites, or chronic inhalation of airway irritants (second-hand smoke, dusts, exhaust fumes, etc.)
Chronic Bronchitis
Overall cause is unknown
Chronic Bronchitis- Risk Factors
No sex or breed predilection but do see a lot in toy breeds
Average age: 6 years or older
Chronic Bronchitis- Clinical signs
Deep harsh cough
+/- gagging, choking, or swallowing after coughing
Exercise intolerance
Chronic Bronchitis- Physical exam
Most come in looking grossly normal
Some may come in a little lethargic
Chronic Bronchitis- Physical exam
Can hear inspiratory and expiratory crackles/harshness
All other vitals and rest of physical exam generally normal
Chronic Bronchitis- Diagnostics
Interstitial or bronchointerstitial pattern in dorsal aspect of caudal lung lobes
NOT definitive diagnosis
Chronic Bronchitis- Diagnostics
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Can evaluate through cytology
Usually see excessive amounts of neutrophils +/- lymphocytes, eosinophils, and epithelial cells
Chronic Bronchitis- Diagnostics
Tracheobronchial culture
Use if believe possible infection
Chronic Bronchitis- Diagnostics
Bronchoscopy with biopsy
Provides definitive diagnosis but not mandatory to diagnose in general
Disease is usually clinically diagnosed
Chronic Bronchitis- Diagnostics
Rule out tests
Heartworm disease, PCR/ELISA for other infectious/parasitic agents, cocci-titer
Chronic Bronchitis- treatment
Prednisone 1 mg/kg q12h PO for one week, then 0.5 mg/kg 2h PO for an additional week q1
Used to decrease inflammation and it reduces mucus production
Taper to lowest effective dose for chronic management
Chronic Bronchitis- treatment
Antibiotics/anti-parasitics/anti-fungals if necessary
Do not give any of these unless you know they are needed to treat an underlying condition
Chronic Bronchitis- treatment
Cough suppressants
Recommend if it’s a dry cough to alleviate some discomfort
Chronic Bronchitis- Prognosis
Treatable but not curable disease
If well managed, can have a long normal life
Need to emphasize these points with owners
Upper respiratory infections
Can be viral or bacterial
Most common in cats: Feline Herpesvirus type-1 (FHV), Feline Calicivirus (FCV), Bordetella bronchiseptica, and Chlamydophila felis
Upper respiratory infections
Can be viral or bacterial
Most common in dogs: Bordetella bronchiseptica, Canine Adenovirus type 2, Canine Parainfluenza virus, and Canine Influenza virus
Upper respiratory infections
Infect the conjunctiva of the eye and nasal cavity
Organisms are shed in ocular, nasal, and oral secretions to transmit infection by direct contact
Some animals will be asymptomatic
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
FHV- infects conjunctiva of eyes, will go into latent stage in trigeminal ganglion for long periods of time
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
Clinical signs: sneezing, conjunctivitis, oculonasal discharges, depression,inappetence, dehydration, salivation with drooling, and ulcerative keratitis
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
Most common cause of URIs in cats
Takes 10-14 days after exposure for signs to appear
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
FCV- causes moderate, self-limiting acute disease, but some strains can induce lameness
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
Clinical signs: sneezing, nasal congestion, fever, drooling, oculonasal discharge, inflammation and ulcers on the tongue and lining of the mouth
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
Virulent Systemic Disease: swelling of the head and legs, crusting sores and hair loss on the nose, eyes, ears and footpads, liver damage, and spontaneous bleeding; fatal in up to 60% of cats
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (cats)
Takes ~14 days for signs to show and can take 5 days- 6 weeks to resolve
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Adenovirus type-2
Transmitted between dogs through close contact with respiratory secretions
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Adenovirus type-2
Clinical signs: dry, hacking cough, retching and gagging, coughing up a white foamy discharge, fever, nasal discharge, and conjunctivitis
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Adenovirus type-2
Incubation period ~3-10 days
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Spread through aerosolized respiratory secretions
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Clinical signs: low-grade fever, deep sounding dry cough, watery nasal discharge, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis; in puppies, may have lethargy, fever, inappetence, and pneumonia
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Incubation period ~2-8 days
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Influenza (H3N8 and H3N2)
Spread through aerosolized respiratory secretions and fomites
URI: Infectious agents- Viruses (Dogs)
Influenza (H3N8 and H3N2)
Clinical signs: oculonasal discharge (may be purulent), sneezing, lethargy, anorexia, and fever