Ability significantly ABOVE the norm for their age, may manifest in intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic fields
Encompasses acceptance and respect, understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing individual differences
Exploration of differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment is important in diversity
Blind and Low Vision (Visual Impairment)
Difficulty performing visual tasks even with the provision of corrective eyeglasses, includes totally and partially blind (low vision), those who use large print reading materials
Learning Disabilities (LD)
Normal mental ability, difficulty in listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or doing mathematical calculations
Dimensions of diversity
Sexual orientation
Socio-economic status
Physical abilities
Religious beliefs
Political beliefs
Other ideologies
Categories of learners with special educational needs
Learners who are Gifted and Talented
Learners with Difficulty Seeing
Learners with Difficulty Communicating
Learners with Difficulty Walking/Moving
Learners with Difficulty Remembering and Focusing
Learners with Difficulty with Self-care
Types of Learning Disabilities
Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Visual Processing Disorder
Intellectual Disability
Significant deficits in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, including conceptual, social, and practical skills
Difficulties faced by individuals with hearing impairment
Deaf and hard of hearing
Those whose hearing organs are not functioning
May or may NOT need hearing aid
Special educational needs in other contexts
Situated in Armed Conflicts
Socially Maladjusted
Emotionally Disturbed
Difficult Circumstances
Emotionally Disturbed characteristics
Display symptoms of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem
Worry excessively, present with physical complaints, and display feelings of inferiority in social situations
Socially withdrawn, nervous, and lacking in self-confidence
Inability to form interpersonal relationships
Difficulties faced by individuals with physical/orthopedic impairments
Impairment interferes either permanently or temporarily with normal functioning of the nerves, joints, muscles, or limbs
Cerebral Palsy
Tetra-amelia syndrome
Difficult Circumstances characteristics
Children who are abandoned, neglected and abused whether physically, verbally or sexually
Difficulties faced by individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, activities
Difficulties faced by individuals with speech and language disorders/delays
Tends to draw unfavorable attention to their manner of speaking rather than the idea they are trying to communicate
Usually occurs with other disabilities e.g. ID, autism, LD, cerebral palsy and brain injury; may be caused by damage to the brain or other nerves, by developmental abnormalities such as cleft palate and environmental toxins; others have no known cause
Difficulties faced by individuals with visual impairment
Difficulty performing visual tasks even with the provision of corrective eyeglasses
Include totally and partially blind (low vision)
Those who use large print reading materials and other aids and devices to improve their sight
Socially Maladjusted characteristics
Aggressive and willfully disobey authorities
Follow their own rules and repeatedly violate social and moral conventions
Behaviors that are willful, deliberate, planned, or otherwise within the control of the student
Pattern of engagement in purposive anti-social, destructive, and delinquent behavior