Represents all combinations of two alternative products that can be produced by an economy given the available resources and the level of technology, given certain assumptions
Assumptions. Resources, technology is fixed. Economy produces only 2 goods.
There is NO best position on the curve, any position on the curve is most efficient use of those resources
Why does the PPF have a negative slope?
As more of the other good is produced, less of the first product can be produced as there are relatively scarce resources.
Due to opportunity cost and choice, an economy must forgo something to gain another
You can not produce beyond the curve
The choices facing all countries in producing goods which use limited factors of production
Moving along the PPF to produce more of one good requires sacrificing some production of the other.
Opportunity Cost
The specific numbers/cost of things given up
When moving from different points, what is produced less is the opportunity cost
Constant Opportunity Cost
Straight Curve
The opportunity cost is constant
Production can easily be diverted with no change in opportunity cost
Increasing Opportunity Cost
Bowed Curve
When you divert your production away to something else, you become less efficient, subsequently their is increasing opportunity cost
According to the model we can't produce beyond our PPC, but we can consume beyond our PPC
An economy can expand its PPC if it fines a way of expanding its resource or improves the productivity of those resources it already has.
The state of technology is constant/fixed, but can be transferred from one use to another
The quantity of resources available remains unchanged
The economy only produces 2 goods.
All resources are fully & efficiently employed/utilised/allocated. presumed 0% unemployment. Use resources for best use, maximising efficiency and resources
Elements to include when drawing:
Title (PPF of guns and butter)
Label the axis
Draw the curve
Labels points
Desirable but unattainable: points outside the PPC, don't have the resources to produce that quantity.
Efficient & Obtainable: points on the curve, represent “productive efficiency” – no wastage or underemployment of resources to produce the maximum output possible (the choices available)
Inefficient & attainable: points inside the PPC, is productively inefficient – resource wastage or underemployment