
Cards (20)

  • Latissimus dorsi
    • Origin: vertebral spines from T7 to the sacrum, posterior third of the iliac crest, lower 3 or 4 ribs, sometimes from the inferior angle of the scapula
    • Insertion: floor of the intertubercular groove
    • Action: Extends the arm and rotates the arm medially
  • Trapezius
    • Origin: medial third of the superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of the vertebrae C7-T12
    • Insertion: lateral third of the clavicle, medial side of the acromion and the upper crest of the scapular spine, tubercle of the scapular spine
    • Action: elevates and depresses the scapula (depending on which part of the muscle contracts); rotates the scapula superiorly; retracts scapula
  • Rhomboid major
    • Origin: spines of vertebrae T2-T5
    • Insertion: Medial border of the scapula inferior to the spine of the scapula
    • Action: Retracts, elevates, and rotates the scapula inferiorly
  • Rhomboid minor
    • Origin: inferior end of the ligamentum nuchae, spines of vertebrae C7 and T1
    • Insertion: Medial border of the scapula at the root of the spine of the scapula
    • Action: Retracts, elevates and rotates the scapula inferiorly
  • Flexor digitorum profundus
    • Origin: posterior border of the ulna, proximal two-thirds of the medial border of ulna, interosseous membrane
    • Insertion: base of the distal phalanx of digits 2-5
    • Action: flexes the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal jointx
  • Flexor digitorum superficialis
    • Origin: humeroulnar head: common flexor tendon; radial head: middle 1/3 of radius
    • Insertion: shafts of the middle phalanges of digits 2-5
    • Action: flexes the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints
  • Flexor carpi radialis
    • Origin: common flexor tendon from the medial epicondyle of the humerus
    • Insertion: base of the second and third metacarpals
    • Action: flexes the wrist, abducts the hand
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris
    • Origin: common flexor tendon and (ulnar head) from medial border of olecranon and upper 2/3 of the posterior border of the ulna
    • Insertion: pisiform, hook of hamate, and base of 5th metacarpal
    • Action: flexes wrist, adducts hand
  • Biceps branchii
    • Origin: short head: tip of the coracoid process of the scapula; long head: supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
    • Insertion: tuberosity of the radius
    • Action: flexes the forearm, flexes arm (long head), supinates
  • Brachioradialis
    • Origin: upper two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
    • Insertion: lateral side of the base of the styloid process of the radius
    • Action: flexes the elbow, assists in pronation and supination
  • Deltoid
    • Origin: lateral one-third of the clavicle, acromion, the lower lip of the crest of the spine of the scapula
    • Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
    • Action: abducts arm; anterior fibers flex and medially rotate the arm; posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate the arm
  • Extensor carpi radialis longus
    • Origin: lower one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
    • Insertion: dorsum of the second metacarpal bone (base)
    • Action: extends the wrist; abducts the hand
  • Extensor carpi ulnaris
    • Origin: common extensor tendon and the middle one-half of the posterior border of the ulna
    • Insertion: medial side of the base of the 5th metacarpal
    • Action: extends the wrist; adducts the hand
  • Infraspinatus:
    • Origin: infraspinatus fossa
    • Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus (middle facet)
    • Action: laterally rotates the arm
  • Pectoralis major:
    • Origin: medial 1/2 of the clavicle, manubrium and body of sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 2-6, sometimes from the rectus sheath of the upper abdominal wall
    • Insertion: crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus
    • Action: flexes and adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm
  • Pectoralis minor
    • Origin: ribs 3-5
    • Insertion: coracoid process of the scapula
    • Action: draws the scapula forward, medialward, and downward
  • Subscapularis
    • Origin: medial two-thirds of the costal surface of the scapula (subscapular fossa)
    • Insertion: lesser tubercle of the humerus
    • Action: medially rotates the arm; assists extension of the arm
  • Supraspinatus
    • Origin: supraspinatus fossa
    • Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus (highest facet)
    • Action: abducts the arms (initiates abduction)
  • Teres major:
    • Origin: dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula
    • Insertion: crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus
    • Action: adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm, assists in arm extension
  • Teres minor
    • Origin: upper 2/3 of the lateral border of the scapula
    • Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus (lowest facet)
    • Action: laterally rotates the arm