The SRY gene is the sex-determining region of the y-chromosome and regulates other genes
testosterone (leydig cell) controls the development of the wolffian duct into accessory structures and the development of male external genitalia (via DHT)
anti-mullerian hormones control the regression of the mullerian duct
Determination of genetic sex:
SRY gene produces testis determining SRY-protein
this initiates the production of proteins causing medulla to differentiate into a testis
which has a leydig cell (secretes testosterone) and a sertoli cell (secretes anti-mullerian hormone)
Newly formed testes secrete:
testosterone = internal genitalia associated with testes
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) = external genitalia associated with testes
Female sex determination after bipotential stage:
gonad cortex becomes ovary with SRY gene absence
absence of testosterone causes wolffian duct to degenerate
absence of anti-mullerian hormone allows mullerian duct to become the fallopian tube, uterus, and upper part of the vagina
Male sex determination after bipotential stage:
SRY gene directs medulla of the bipotential gonad to develop into testis
anti-mullerian hormone from testis causes the mullerian duct to degenerate
testosterone from testis converts wolffian duct into seminal vesicle, vas deferns, and epididymis (DHT controls prostate development)
Analogous female and male genitalia:
labia majora = scrotum
labia minora = penis shaft
clitoris = glans penis
If a male lacks DHT then the male gonads will be present, the male internal genitalia will remain, and the male will develop femaleexternal genitalia
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controls the release of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary gland and is pulsatile
Gonads secrete sex steroids and inhibin (inhibits FSH)
Functions of testis include sperm production from spermatid (spermatogenesis) and the production and secretion of testosterone
Spermatogenesis (in seminiferous tubules):
spermatogenia (stem cell) = mitosis
primary spermatocyte = first meiosis
secondary spermatocyte = second meiosis
spermatids differentiate = spermatogenesis
spermatozoa (lumen)
The basal compartment is the space inside seminiferous tubules but external to sertoli cells and contains spermatogonia which eventually become spermatozoa
adluminal compartment is the space inside seminiferous tubules including lumen and sertoli cells and contains spermatocytes, round spermatids, and newly formed immotile spermatozoa
the blood-testis barrier separates devloping sperm from the immune system
Sertoli (sustentacular) cells:
promote and sustainsperm development
secrete growth factors
secrete androgen-binding protein (allows increase of luminal testosterone concentration)
blood-testis barrier
phagocytosis of defective sperm
produce and secretehormones
inhibin, MIS
Leydig cells:
produce and secretetestosterone
active in fetal life (gonadogenesis)
quiescent after birth
active at puberty and on = sexual maturity and function
In response to FSH and testosterone, sertoli cells support spermatogenesis
in response to LH, leydig cells produce steroids, including testosterone
FSH stimulates sertoli cells to secrete ABP and release paracrine agents
increase in testosterone causes inhibition of LH and gNRH (which then causes FSH inhibition) and increases estrogen and DHT production
The long-loop feedback action by the ovaries on the hypothalamic-pituitary acis is inhibitory (negative) and stimulatory (positive)
Gonadotropin production follows the ovarian cycle, causing LH and FSH to increase during ovulation (day 14)
When estrogen is high the positive feedback loop is activated to give rise to ovulation
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in females:
stimulate growth of granulosa cell (converts testosterone into estrogen)
stimulates key enzyme aromatase
induces LH receptors on granulosa cell
Lutenizing hormone (LH) in females:
stimulates growth of thecal cell (makes testosterone)
neutralizes action of peptide oocytematurationinhibitor
induces pseudoinflammatory response by activating prostaglandinendoperoxidesynthase
stimulates progesterone synthesis
FSH injection will cause ovary to increase aromatase expression and stimulate oocyte maturation
ovarian uterine cycle:
follicular phase = progressive growth of ovarianfollicles and causes one dominant follicle to bud out of the ovarian surface (menses to proliferative phase)
ovulation = dominant follicle bursts and oocyte is released into abdominal cavity (increase in estrogen)
luteal phase = most cells that were formed in follicle will stay in ovary and become the corpus luteum (degenerates without fertilization) (increase in progesterone and secretory phase)