Learning process

Cards (11)

  • Identification of stimuli 

    Cues or stimuli from the senses
    e.g. Vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch and Balance
  • Response identification
    Procesing of data received by the brain
  • Response
    performance of the necessary movement
  • Feedback
    Information about the performance
  • Fittss and Posner learning model has 3 stages
  • Congnitive phase of learning 

    The athlete makes many errors, often large in nature
    Great variability between attempts
    They have little ability to correct their own mistakes
    Demonstrations are vital
  • Associative phase of learning 

    Characterised by extensive practice
    The athlete is able to perform the basic skill
    Errors become less in number and magnitude
    They are able to used their own feedback (little bit)
  • Autonomous phase of learning 

    A high degree of accuracy, consistency and reliability
    The athlete can perform other tasks at the same time as the skill
    Low performance variability
    They can detect their own errors and make adjustments to correct them
  • Visual cues
    Recieved by the performer using their sese of sight
    e.g. demonstration, graphs, pictures
  • Verbal cues
    A short concise phrase that prompts the performer to attend the key components of the skill
    Short and concise
    3-4 Key points of the skill
    Appropriate to the age, comprehension and experience level of the learner
  • Proprioceptive cues
    Perceptions of the body position and movements