Composed of social concepts of what it means to be who he is, what it means to live in a particular institution, family, religion, nationality, and how he behaves given the expectations and influences from others
Children begin to interact with others with certain rules, often set by the children themselves, practice real-life situations through pretend play, onset of consciousness
The idea of “self” may be based on the general attitudes and behaviors of other people or the individuality of the person that manifests as a response to those attitudes and behaviors of others
Children reorganize the rules of the game, identify their roles, learn implications of actions, understand society's viewpoint on attitudes and actions
The establishment of the sense of self, socialization is a lifetime endeavor, and the people one interacts with will change throughout a person’s life in consideration of the social environment one belongs to like school, home, work. Such interactions will concretize the identity and sense of self