Cards (19)

  • ASEPSIS - refers to a condition in which the individual and his surrounding environment are free of any microorganisms.
  • MEDICAL ASEPSIS - also called “clean technique”
  • MEDICAL ASEPSIS - Involves procedures/practices that reduce the number and prevent spread in general Clinical setting
  • SURGICAL ASEPSIS - Also called “sterile technique”
  • SURGICAL ASEPSIS - Procedures aimed in eliminating microorganisms from the area of the surgical site the OR area
  • INFECTIONS - is the growth of microorganisms in the body.
  • INFECTIOUS DISEASE - is a disease in which pathogens invade a susceptible host and carry out at least part of their life cycle in that host.
  • The cycle of infection is a chain with six links.
  • AGENT - capable of parasitizing man
  • RESERVOIR - any natural habitat of microorganisms that promotes growth & reproduction
  • EXIT PORTAL - it is a point of escape from the reservoir
  • EXIT PORTAL - microorganism cannot cause disease in another host unless it finds a point of escape from the reservoir
  • MODE OF TRANSMISSION - process by which a pathogen spreads from one host to another
  • ENTRY OF MICROORGANISMS - a way to enter the susceptible hos
  • SUSCEPTIBLE HOST - Microorganism must accept the host for it to continue to live & flourish
  • COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED INFECTION - Those that are incubating at the time of hospital admission
  • HAI - including those that erupt within 14 days of hospital discharge
  • ASEPTIC TECHNIQUES - used to minimize contamination
  • HAI - Is an illness that develops during a patient’s stay in healthcare facility but was not present when they were admitted