Capacity and Capacity Utilisation

Cards (20)

  • What is capacity?
    The capacity of a business is a measure of how much output it can potentially achieve in a given time period
  • Capacity utilisation refers to the percentage of actual production compared with maximum potential production.
  • How do you calculate capacity utilisation?
    Capacity Utilisation = (Actual Output / Maximum Possible Output) x 100
  • Capacity can change
  • What is an example for when capacity can decrease?
    When a machine is having maintenance, capacity is reduced
  • What is an example of when capacity can increase?
    Expansion and by working more production shifts, capacity can increase
  • Capacity needs to take account seasonal or unexpected changes in demand
  • What is an example of capacity needing to increase because of unexpected changes in demand?
    Ice-cream factories in the UK needed to quickly increase capacity during a heat wave
  • Capacity utilisation is a useful measure of productive efficiency since it measures whether there are idle (unused) resources in the business
  • Capacity ustilisation is a useful measure of what since it measures whether there are idle resources in the business?
    Productive efficiency
  • Average production costs tend to fall as output rises - so higher utilisation can reduce unit costs, making a business more competitive
  • Higher utilisation can reduce what, making a business more competitive?
    Unit costs
  • A high level of capacity utilisation is required if a business has a high break-even output due to significant fixed costs of production
  • What are some reasons that most businesses operate below full capacity?
    • Lower demand than expected
    • A loss of market share
    • Seasonal variations in demand
    • Maintenance and repair programmes
  • What are the dangers of operating at a low capacity utilisation?
    • Higher unit costs - impact on competitiveness
    • Less likely to reach break-even output
    • Waste of capital in under-utilised assets
  • What are the problems of working at high capacity?
    • Negative effect on quality (possibly)
    • Employees suffer
    • Loss of sales
  • Why could there be a negative effect on quality when working at a high capacity?
    Production could be rushed and there is less time for quality control
  • Why might employees suffer if the business is working at a high capacity?
    Added workloads and stress and de-motivation of staff if sustained for too long
  • Why might there be loss of sales when working at a high capacity?
    Less able to meet sudden or unexpected increases in demand and production equipment may require repair
  • How could a business increase capacity?
    • Invest in capital machinery
    • Invest in employees through training
    • Hire more employees
    • Change production practises to be more efficient