Mutations are changes in the base sequence of DNA and this can be any change and are caused by errors during DNA replication
one or more bases are swapped for another
one or more bases are removed
one or more bases are added
one or more bases are repeated
a sequence of bases is reversed
a sequence of bases is moved from one location in the genome to another. this could be a movement Dothan the same chromosomes or movement in different chromosome
the sequence of DNA bases in a gene determines the sequence of amino acids in a particular polypeptide. if a mutation occurs in a gene the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide that it codes for could be changed
polypeptides make up proteins so a change in the sequence of amino acids can change the tertiary structure of the protein which could mean that it doesn’t work properly and so will lead to a change in active site and therefore not be able to catalyse the reaction anymore
some mutations can cause genetic disorders and these can be inherited disorders that are caused by abnormal genes or chromosomes
if a gamete containing a mutation for a genetic disorder or a type of cancer is fertilised the mutation will be present in the new fetus formed and these are called hereditary mutations because they have been passed on
Not all mutations affect the order of amino acids
the degenerate nature of the genetic code means that some amino acids are coded for by more than one DNA triplet and so this means that not all types of mutation will always result in a change to the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide
example of mutations that may not affect the sequence of amino acids are:
some substitutions
sometimes inversion
mutations that will result in the change of amino acid sequence are:
and this is because those mutations all change the number of bases in the DNA code and so causes a frameshift in the base triplets that follow and resulting in the triplet code being read in a different way
mutagenic agents increase the rate of mutations and examples of these agents are:
ultraviolet radiation
ionisation radiation
some chemicals
some viruses
mutagenic agents increase rate of mutations by:
acting as a base - base analogs can be substitute for a base during DNA replication, changing the base sequence in the new DNA
altering bases - some chemicals can delete or alter bases
changing the structure of DNA - some types of radiation can change the structure of DNA which causes problems during DNA replication
mutations in genes can cause uncontrolled cell growth
acquired mutations - mutations that occur in individual cells after fertilisation
if mutations occur in the gene which controls the rate of cell division it can lead to uncontrollable cell growth and is a cell divides uncontrollably the result is a tumour.
there are two types of gene that control cell division:
tumour suppressorgenes
a mutations in the tumoursuppressor gene can cause cancer by
when functioning normally tumoursuppressor genes slow cell division by producing proteins that stop cells dividing or cause them to self-destruct
is a mutation occurs in a tumour suppressor gene the protein isn’t produced so the cells divide uncontrollably and the rate of division increases and results in a tumour
a mutation in the proto-oncogenes can lead to cancer by:
when functioning normally proto-oncogenes stimulate cell division by producing proteins that make cells divide
if a mutation occurs in a proto-oncogenes the gene can become over activated and this stimulates the cell to divide uncontrollably and the rate of division increases and results in a tumour
malignant tumours - are cancerous and usually grow rapidly and invade and destroy the surrounding tissues. cells can break off the tumours and spread to other parts of the body in the bloodstream or the lymphatic system
benign tumours - are not cancerous and grow slower than malignant tumours and are often covered in fibroustissue that stops cells invading other tissues. benign tumours are often harmless but the can cause blockages and put pressure on organs and some benign tumours can become malignant tumours
tumour cells can differ from normal cells in different ways for example:
have irregular shape
nucleus is larger and darker and may have multiple
dont produce all the proteins needed to function properly
different antigens on their surfaces
dont respond to growth regulating processes
undergo mitosis more frequently
methylation - the addition of a methyl group onto something
methylation of DNA is a important method of regulating gene expression and it can control whether or not a gene is transcribed and translated
hypermethylation - when methylation has happened too much
hypomethylation - when not enough methylation is happening
When tumour suppressor genes are hypermethylated the genes are not transcribed so the proteins they produce to slow down cell division aren’t made and this means that cells are able to divide uncontrollably by mitosis and tumours can develop
hypomtheylation of proto-oncogenes causes them to act an oncogenes which increase the production of the proteins that encourage cell division and this stimulates cells to divide uncontrollably which causes the formation of tumours
increased exposure to oestrogen over an extended period of time is though to increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
theory of how oestrogen can contribute to breast cancer:
oestrogen can stimulate breast cells to divide and replicate by more cell divisions taking place it increases the chance of mutations occurring so increase chance of being cancerous
this ability to stimulate division could also mean that if cells do become cancerous their rapid replication could be further assisted by oestrogen helping the tumours to form rapidly
other research suggests that oestrogen is actually able to introduce mutations directly into DNA of certain breast cells which will also increase the chance of being cancerous
genetic factors of cancer: some cancers are linked with specific inherited alleles. if you inherit that allele you're more likely to get that type of cancer
environmental factors: exposure to radiation, lifestyle choices, increased alcohol consumption and a high fat diet
examples of genetic factors for cancer: BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations
prevention of cancer
if a specific cancer-causing mutation is known then it is possible to screen for the mutation in the persons DNA
knowing about the increased risk means that preventative steps can be taken to reduce it
knowing about specific mutations also means that more sensitive tests can be developed which can lead to earlier and more accurate diagnosis
treatment and cure for cancer
the treatment for cancer can be different for different mutations so knowing how specific mutations actually cause cancer can be very useful for developing drugs to effectively target them
some cancer-causing mutations require more aggressive treatment than other so understanding how the mutation that causes them works can help produce the best treatment plan
gene therapy may also be used to treat cancer caused by some mutations
totipotent stem cells are able to mature into any type of body cell