cultural deprivation

Cards (14)

  • what does culture capital mean
    when culture have the "correct" norms and values and have cultural wealth
  • what is cultural deprivation
    cultures having the "wrong" norms and values and lack culture capital
  • how does parent education effect education
    parents attitude to education can inflence how children think about education. There are differences between middle and working class parents and how they encorage education to their children
  • what are the theorists supporting parentd education
    Douglas- working class parents place less value on education
    feinstein- parents own academic achoevmentis the most significant factor
    bernstein and young - middle class parents are more liley to buy educational toys
  • how does working class culture effect education
    some subcultures have a lack of interest in their child's education due to having certain belifes about education
  • what did sugarman argue about working class culture
    there are 4 key features that act as an educational barrier
    fatalism- believing in fate
    collectivism- valuing being apart of a group than succeding
    immediate gratification- seek pleasure in the now then the future
    present time orientation- seeing the present as more important
  • what does keddie think about the myth of cultrual deprivation
    she sees it as a myth and a way to victim blame explanation, she dissmisses the idea that the home culture can effect education
  • how can language effect education
    if parents are using more complex sentences and grammatical correct sentences then it can influence the child's language. Parents with fewer qualifications might not have the same knowldge
  • what did Hubbs-Tait found
    that parents use language that challenge their children to evaluate their own understandings
  • what is speech code
    according to bernstein restricted code used by the working class
  • what is elaberated code

    used by the middle class wider vocab
  • what is copensentry education
    making up for the education young children have missed
  • tronya and williams critisms of culutral deprivation
    • speech code blame parents for language but it should be that the teacher shouldnt favour middle class code
  • Gerwitch myth of parentocracy
    dont have the same knowledge in order to decidet the school they want to have