
Cards (20)

  • what is included in the value system that HC worker have commitments to?
    • promoting anti-discriminatory practices to ensure care services meet the needs of all people
    • empowering individuals enabling them to take control of their life and decisions relating to treatment
    • ensuring safety of staff and people in their care
    • maintaining confidentiality and privacy
    • promoting good communication between carers and their clients
  • who does the GMC set and monitor standards for behaviour of?
  • the NMC sets and monitors the standards of behaviour for who?
    • nurses
    • midwives
  • who does the HCPC set out and monitor the standards of behaviours of?
    • social workers
    • range of health professionals
  • define the code of practice
    • standards of behaviour and professional practice required of HC practitioners
    • set out and monitored by professional bodies like GMC, NMC, HCPC
  • define anti-discriminatory practice
    • care practice that ensures individual and different needs of a client and patient are met
    • regardless of race, ethnicity, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation
    • ensures prejudice and unfair discrimination are challenged
  • what legal requirement is ADP based on?
    Equality Act 2010
  • define prejudice
    • preconceived opinions or fixed attitudes about a social group
    • not based on reason or evidence
    • may lead to active discrimination
  • what does the equality act prevent discrimination on the grounds of?
    • age
    • disability
    • gender reassignment
    • marriage and civil partnership
    • pregnancy or maternity
    • race
    • religion or belief
    • sex
    • sexual orientation
  • what do all GB citizens have protection through?
  • what legislation protects workers against discrimination in NI?
    employment equality regulations 2006
  • true or false, the human rights act 1998 applies to all UK?
  • what rights does the human rights act 1998 guarantee to people cared for by public authorities?
    • freedom from torture/inhumane treatment or punishment
    • freedom from slavery, servitude or forced labour
    • liberty and security of person
    • respect for private family life, home and correspondence
    • freedom of thought, conscience and religion
    • freedom of expression
    • marriage and family
    • peaceful enjoyment of possessions
    • access to education
    • life
  • the human rights act guarantees people to be cared for by public authorities to be treated equally, with fairness, dignity and respect
  • what does the public authorities include?
    • hospitals
    • GP practices
    • social service departments
    • schools
    • college
    • care/nursing homes
  • what does ADP require HSC workers to do?
    • address own prejudices and adapt behaviours to ensure client needs are met
    • understand and meet individual needs of all SU
    • celebrate contribution that wide and diverse range of people can bring to society
    • actively challenge intentional and unintentional discrimination against clients
    • ensure setting is accessible and welcoming environment for all
    • compensate for negative effects of discrimination in society
  • what adaptations can be made to ensure that SU individual needs are met?
    • to make place wheelchair accessible - ramps, widen doorways, adapt toilets
    • for people with hearing impairments - written and visual communication more often than spoken, employ a signer for clear communication
    • for SU who speak little to no english - provide information in different languages
    • multi-cultural settings - dietary requirements need to be met, religious festivals observed
  • define empowerment
    • supporting people to take control of their lives and futures
    • by taking full part in discussions and decisions about their care and treatment
  • what does empowerment ensure SU understand?
    • choices they make about their care
    • contribute to decision-making
    • take control of their lives
  • what happens when SU allow experts to take over?
    • they lose confidence
    • become passive and overdependent on care workers