Perio in children and adolescents

Cards (25)

  • What are the figures for Grade C bone loss in children up to 18yrs old?
    Grade C bone loss
    • >5% in up to 5 year old
    • >10% in up to 10 year old
    • >15% in up to 15 year old
    • >18% in up to 18 year old
  • What are features of healthy periodontium in children/adolescents?
    In Children: Marginal gingival tissues more vascular
    • Less connective tissue fibres
    • Less keratinisation (tissue looks redder)
    Gingival margin several mm coronal to cemento-enamel junction
    Gingival sulcus 0.5-3mm on a fully erupted tooth (can be 6-7mmin an erupting permanent tooth)
  • What is periodontal ligament space like in children?

    Less Fibrous

    More vascular
  • What is the alveolar bone like in children?
    Larger marrow spaces

    Fewer trabeculae

    More vascularity(enhanced rate of progression of disease)
  • How are periodontal treatment needs assessed in children?
    Warning signs in primary dentition in the under 7 year old

    • Unexplained premature exfoliation

    Gross mobility of primary teeth not due for exfoliation

    Red oedematous gingivae

    Suppuration with no other dental cause
  • Are false pockets common in children?
    • False pockets common around erupting incisors and first molars at 7 yrs(in the process of passive eruption/apical retreat of gingival margin)

    • Significantly reduced by 12 yrs

    • Non existent by 17 yrs

    • False pocketing may still be an issue around 2nd molars at 17 yrs
  • What BPE is used with children?
    Use simplified BPE on Index Teeth
    UR6, UR1, UL6 LR6, LL1, LL6
  • What BPE codes are used on children ages 7-11 years?
    Use BPE codes 0,1 and 2 on index teeth
    0 (no treatment required)
    • 1 (OHI and prophylaxis)recall 1 yr(or sooner if other dental needs)
    2 (OHI, Supra/sub gingival scaling/prophylaxis remove plaque retention factors)recall 6/12(or sooner if other dental needs)
  • What BPE codes are used in children 12-17years old?

    Use all BPE codes on index teeth

    0 (no treatment required)

    1 (OHI and prophylaxis) recall 1 year (or sooner if other treatment needs)

    2 (OHI, Supra/sub gingival scaling/prophylaxis/remove plaque retention factors )recall 6/12 (or sooner if other treatment needs)

    • 3 (as for code 2 [account for false pocketing] + RSD) recall 3/12

    • 4,* (radiographs, full perio assessment- DPC)referral perio/paeds specialist
  • Loss of periodontal attachment and supporting bone is....
    uncommon in children and adolescents
  • Plaque induced gingival disease in children is more or less common than in adults?
    less common
  • What are local contributing factors for plaque induced gingival disease?
    Partially erupted teeth

    Exfoliating deciduous teeth



    Mucosal factors (frenum/recession)


    Orthodontic appliances

    Mouth breathing and lack of lip sea
  • What are systemic modifying factors in plaque induced gingival disease?
    Changes in Gonadotrophic Hormone (oestrogen and progesterone) levels
    Contraceptive pill
  • How does diabetes affect plaque induced gingival disease?
    • Alteration in insulin levels in diabetes modifies gingival response to plaque

    Hyperglycaemic state induces hyper-reactive over secretion of inflammatory mediators IL-1, IL-6, TNFα

    • Usually responds to removal of bacterial plaque
  • How is plaque induced gingivitis managed in children?
    • Involve the carer - they purchase the oral hygiene aids and need to carry out(up to at least age 7)/supervise daily oral hygiene

    • Advise home disclosing• Ask the child to "colour in" a plaque chart

    • Involve the child in Plaque Score - set targets, older children will understand percentages

    • Regular appointments to maintain motivation• The dentition is constantly changing - modify the techniques accordingly

    • Assess maturity, manual dexterity and motivation before introducing interdental aids
  • What is the treatment for plaque induced gingivitis?
    • Intensive OHI
    - Supra and subgingival plaque remova
    l- Interdental plaque removal (tailor to dexterity)
    Floss loop

    Supra and subgingival scaling (PMPR)

    Follow-up tailored to OH standard

    3/12 review
  • What are the primary host features of Periodontitis Grade C?
    Primary host features:

    • Onset tends to be circum-pubertal

    Rapid attachment loss

    Rapid bone loss

    Familial aggregation (genetic)

    • Prevalence- African/Afro-American 2-5%- Hispanics/South Americans 0.5-1%- Asians 0.4-1%- Caucasians 0.1-0.2%
  • Does systemic disease affect periodontits Grade C?
    Often systemic disease with generalised condition

    - Functional cell defects (neutrophils/monocytes)

    - Abnormal cell chemotaxis/Phagocytosis

    - Hyperresponsive macrophages (increased PGE2 and IL1b)

    - Recurrent otitis media

    - Upper respiratory tract infections

    - Cementopathia/
  • Why is it important to check the lymph nodes?

    • Lymphatic system carries lymph which has removed inflammatory exudate and antigens from tissues to lymph nodes

    • Lymph nodes filter lymph fluid to remove pathogens

    • Antigens react with lymphocytes in lymph nodes to trigger adaptive immune response
  • IS bone loss severe with Periodontitis Grade C?
  • What is Periodontitis Grade C, Molar/Incisor pattern?

    Interproximal attachment loss affecting incisors and 1stmolars (and up to 2 other teeth)

    Minimal plaque and calculus
  • When does molar/incisor pattern commence?

    Commences around puberty

    • Usually minimal microbial deposits and gingiva appear healthy until probed

    • Strong antibody response to AggregatibacterActinomycetemcomitans (Aa)

    • JP2 clone of Aa (increased leucotoxin)

    Neutrophil function abnormalities

    • Robust serum antibody response to infecting agents(thought to protect later erupting permanent teeth)
  • What are features of Generalised Perio Grade C?
    • Can begin at any age and tends to affect under 30 years of age (may see in older ages when not picked up and treated)

    Interproximal attachment loss affecting incisors 1st molars (and 3 or more other teeth)
  • Features of generalised Perio Grade C?
    • May be marked inflammation

    • Pronounced episodic nature of attachment/bonedestruction

    • Presence of Aa and Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg)

    Poor serum antibody response to infecting agents
  • How is Perio Grade C treated?
    Evidence that scaling and RSD are ineffective in controlling Aa counts(Tissue Invasion)

    General principle is to prescribe antibiotics after RSD

    Flap surgery may be required later

    BSP suggest referral to a Specialist Periodontist