Social Learning Theory

Cards (9)

  • What is vicarious reinforcement?
    • repeating a specific behaviour because you seen someone getting rewarded for that behaviour.
  • What is direct reinforcement?
    • getting the reward given DIRECTLY to you, so more likely to repeat behaviour.
  • What are the mediational processes assosciated with SLT?
    A - Attention - paying attention to the behaviour displayed by the role model.
    R - Retention - retaining that behaviour into your LTM
    R - Reproduction - reproducing that behaviour
    M - Motivation - motivated to repeat behaviour since you have the capability.
  • What is the role of identification?
    • When you identify with a specific characteristic of someone. This could be liking the same thing, gender or age. You are more likely to repeat the behaviour since you identify with them.
  • What is the role of modelling?
    • Modelling - when the role model you identify with models the behaviour you will repeat
  • What was Albert Bandura's research?
    • Bobo Doll study
    • Independent group - watched the model play aggressively with the bobo doll
    • independent group - watched the model play nicely with the bobo doll
    • control group - one group did not watch any model but sent into room with toys
    • those who watched the model display aggressive behaviour, showed aggressive behaviour towards the doll
  • What is a strength of SLT?
    • One strength is that there is real life application as it explains the cultural differences in behaviour. This is because behaviour can be influenced by different role models, media and celebrities.
    • Another strength is that it has real life application in prisons, wards and schools. Helps with token economy systems
  • What are the limitations of SLT?
    • Ignores biological factors - reductionistic. Boys have a higher level of testosterone
    • Bobo doll research done in a lab meaning it was artificial. The children could have also responded to demand characteristics and could have figured out the aim of the study since it was an observation
  • What are the assumptions of SLT?
    1. Behaviour is learned from experience especially through observing and imitating others
    2. Mediational Processes are also involved (ARRM)
    3. Vicarious reinforcement occurs
    4. Role Models is important