Cards (7)

  • Atman - a person's inner self , soul or spirit - the real and eternal self
    • Some Hindus believe that atman is the same as Brahman , because he is all-powerful and everywhere at the same time 
    • Others believe that the atman contains only part of Brahman , because if it was exactly the same , Brahman would not be Supreme
    • Hindus believe all living beings have atman inside them and this is what makes them ‘themselves’ 
    • If they did not have it , they would be non-moving matter
  • Atman is not the same as mind and body
  • The self (atman) is:
    • Never changing 
    • Eternal 
    • Conscious 
    • Alive 
    • Active
  • The body (matter) is:
    • Ever-changing 
    • Temporary 
    • Unconscious 
    • Dead 
    • Unable to move
  • Hindus believe that the atman does not die when the body does - The atman is eternal and made of spirit , Brahman