Politically weak - the Kaiser abdicated (ran away) and left a weak Reichstag (Parliament) to pick up the pieces
Economically - farming was disrupted and G was not producing as much food as she needed e.g. 50% of the milk. 750,000 Germans died of hunger and disease in the war due to the naval blockade of Germany
Socially - Germany was weakened - a proud and confident people looked for someone to blame for the defeat
Socially, Politically & Economically - ex-soldiers went home and joined protests against the government or against the end to the war!!!
Alsace - Lorraine given back to France, West Prussia & Posen given to Poland, Eupen/Malmedy given to Belgium, Saarland given to League of Nations for 15 years
Men who could not be in the army joined a group called the Freikorps. They were armed ex-soldiers who were angry and bitter about the defeat and the Treaty