Chapter 1

Cards (41)

  • What is the american diet high in?
    sugar, sodium, sat. fat, calories
  • What is the american diet low in?
    fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin D
  • How many people in the US are overweight?
  • How many people in the US are obese?
  • What are the inorganic nutrients?
    minerals and wader
  • 1g carb = 4 kcal
  • 1g protein = 4 kcal
  • 1g lipid = 9 kcal
  • 1g alcohol = 7 kcal
  • What is nutrition?
    How food nourishes the human body and many other aspects of health
  • What composes wellness?
    nutrition and physical activity
  • What does Healthy People help promote?
    attain higher quality and longer lives, improve health for all
  • What does Healthy People help promote?
    create social and economic environments where people can eat healthy. promote healthy development and behaviours
  • What are organic nutrients?
    Nutrients with carbon and hydrogen
  • What are inorganic nutrients?

    nutrients with no carbon or hydrogen
  • What are macronutrients?
    Nutrients that are required in large proportions. Provide energy
  • What are the primary macro nutrients ?
    Carbohydrates, proteins, fats
  • Is alcohol a nutrient?
    No. It's considered a drug and a toxin
  • What is the primary source of energy for the body?
    Carbs (glucose)
  • Fiber is a kind of carb
  • What are lipids?
    fats, mostly insoluable in water
  • Lipids: triglycerides, sterol, phospholipid
  • What is the most common lipid in food?
  • What are triglycerides stored as?
  • Are proteins not a primary source of energy?
  • What are proteins important in?
    building cells, maintaining bones, and yeah
  • What are micronutrients?
    needed by the body in small amounts, including vitamins and minerals, that play a crucial role in maintaining good health and proper bodily functions.
  • What are the two types of vitamins?
    Water and fat soluable vitamins
  • Fat soluable vitamins: ADEK
  • Water soluable vitamins: C B
  • What are the two classifications of minerals?
    Major and trace minerals
  • What does water do?
    Helps to regulate nearly every bodily process
  • What do well designed experiments account for?
    sample size, control group, controls for other variables
  • What is a hypothesis?
    consistently supported idea through repeated experiments
  • What is a theory?
    a scientific consensus for why a phenomenon occurs
  • What are downfalls for an animal study?
    Ethical questions
    May not directly apply to humans
  • What are the upsides to an animal study?
    preliminary, studies that are done on animals usually can not be done on humans
  • What do epidemiological studies examine?
    patterns of health and disease in a populus. Simply indicate relationship between factors and not purely cause and effect
  • What do observational studies examine?
    Examine health phenomena in populations
  • What are case control studies?
    More complex observational studies, compare a group of people with x condition against people without x condition