Terminal knobs are where impulses are transmitted to the target cell
Myelin sheath help conduct the electrical information quicker
Resting potential
Membrane potential/voltage = -70 V
What contributes to the resting membrane potential?
Na+/K+ ATPase pump maintains the electrical difference by keeping the inside of the cell more negative than the outside (pumps 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in)
K+ ions are the charged substance with the most permeability in a resting nerve cell
Flow out through potassium leak channels (although they are not constantly flowing out and are based on an equilibrium) which maintains the inside being more negative
Stages of an action potential
Resting potential
Depolarization: stimulus causes Na+ channels to open and allow Na+ to diffuse into the cell. Threshold value of -50mV must be reached for Na+ diffuse in large amounts, which allows the membrane potential to increase to +40mV. Sodium channels spontaneously close after 1ms.
Repolarization: depolarization triggers the opening of voltage-gated K+ channels and K+ can leave the cell. Na+ gated channels close. Membrane potential goes back to negative (-80mV) but more negative than the membrane potential since K+ channels are slow to close.
Although the voltage changes during the action potential, the Na+ and K+ concentration gradients are barely affected since very few Na+ and K+ have to move to make this diference
Propagation of an action potential
Nerve impulse: action potential propagated along a neuron by triggering action potentials in adjacent portions of the membrane.
Continuous conduction (unmyelinated axons): flow of current causes the membrane region just ahead to become depolarized.
Action potential is propagated without loss of intensity
portion of membrane that just experienced an action potential will be in a brief refractory period
Saltatory conduction (myelinated axons): action doesn’t have depolarize every part of the region and can just skip to the next node of ranvier. Myelin prevents ions from moving across the membrane.
Nodes of Ranvier: unmyelinated region where most Na+ and K+ channels are found
Synaptic transmission
Synapse: specialized junction of neuron with its target cell
Presynaptic cell: conducts the impulse towards a synapse
Synaptic vesicles: storage for neurotransmitters in the terminal knob of axons
Neurotransmitters: chemical that binds to the postsynaptic cell
Synaptic cleft: space that separates the two cells
Post-synaptic cell: receives the impulse
Step 1 in synaptic transmission
Nerve impulse causes depolarization and triggers the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to open in the presynaptic cell. Ca2+ diffuses into the presynaptic cell.
Step 2 in synaptic transmission
Increased Ca2+ triggers synaptic vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane, thus allowing neurotransmitters to be transported out of presynaptic cell and released into cleft to bind to receptors.
Excitatory neurotransmitter: Binding triggers Na+ channels to open and if enough Na+ enters
Inhibitory: binding triggers influx of Cl- ions which decreases voltage and makes it harder to reach threshold.
Step 3 in synaptic transmission
After being released from vesicles, neurotransmitters have a very short half-life.
Enzymes destroy the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft
Reuptake of neurotransmitter into the presynaptic cell