During an ENSO event, winds and currents in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean weaken or even reverse, resulting in large-scale climatic changes throughout the Pacific
During an EL Nino event, a pool of warm surface water migrates from the tropical Pacific to the eastern Pacific coast (Americas) due to reduction in trade winds
A cold water mass moves towards the coast of Asia (opposite of what occurs in a non-ENSO year)
Wetlands are important biomes in the APES course because they intersect aquatic, marine, and terrestrial biomes, offering unique opportunities to understand ecological interactions between distinct but interconnected biological communities
A wetland is land that is wet for a certain portion of the year and generally contains specific types of plants adapted to being submerged in water for extended periods
The Everglades of Florida have been altered due to humans altering water flows to control floods for urban development and releasing invasive species like Pythons
Coastal estuaries are influenced by the hourly fluctuation of tides, with two high tides during the day bringing in saltwater from the ocean and changing the temperature, depth, and salinity of the estuary
Rivers influence the abiotic factors of wetlands by carrying sediments that are deposited in wetlands, making them shallow and nutrient-rich. Tides influence the abiotic factors by causing hourly variations in depth, salinity, and temperature
The biggest problem for fish or other marine organisms in estuaries during low tide is the decrease in water depth, which can lead to increased water temperature and decreased salinity
If sea levels rose due to climate change, the abiotic factors of wetlands would be different with potentially increased salinity and changes in water depth
Coastal estuaries are considered eutrophic due to being nutrient-rich, which influences the Net Primary Productivity (NPP) of estuaries by supporting high levels of phytoplankton and terrestrial plants
Eutrophication does not lead to loss of dissolved oxygen in coastal wetlands because the nutrient-rich environment supports abundant plant growth that produces oxygen
Regulatory ecosystem services of wetlands include flood control and buffers from storm surges, and filtration (bio-filtration) to trap sediments and remove organic material from water before it can decompose