Order and Disorder - the messageShakespearewanted to convey was that killing the king was wrong (shownthroughMacbethkillingDuncan and the naturalworlddescending into chaos)
When Macbethkills the king, he changes the Great Chain of Being and bringsdisorder into the world.
Lennox talks about a ragingstorm the nightDuncan was killed, symbolising how the naturalworldresponds to Duncan'sdeath and the disruption of the great chain of being.
At the end of the play, order is restored when Malcolm, the rightfulheir to the throne, becomes king.
Order and Disorder quote 1
Quote - "Nowo'ertheonehalf-worldnatureseemsdead" (Act2Scene1 Line 49-50. Refers to the fact that the naturalorder is going to be broken, he is going to kill the king and bringdown the natural way of things with him.
Order and Disorder Quote 2
Ross and an oldmandiscuss the strange and ominousevents "Hoursdreadfulandthingsstrange, butthissorenighthathtrifledformerknowings." (Act2Scene4 Line 2-4) and "Contending'gainstobedienceastheywouldmakewarwithmankind.[Old Man]'Tissaid, theyeateachother." This shows how the horses, traditionallyobedient now seem at war with him; attacking and eating each other, suggesting that the naturalorder of thingshasbrokendown.