Chemical Bonding 3

Cards (24)

  • Compound
    • the combination of different kinds of atoms
    • formation of molecules to form a compound
  • Electrons
    Negatively charged particles which orbit the nucleus
  • Valence Electrons
    Outermost electrons located in valence shell
  • Octet Rule
    The natural tendency of elements to get 8 valence electrons in their valence shell
  • Protons
    Positively charged particles at the middle of an atom
  • Science's Big Question: 'Where did everything come from?'
  • Elements
    • comes from atoms
    • pure substances
    • is made up of only one kind of atom
  • Atoms
    • Has a nucleus at the center
    • Uniquely defines a chemical element
    • A particle of matter
    • Smallest unit of matter
  • Molecules
    • Formed from the bonding of elements
    • Comes from or is the combination or compound of elements
    • A neutral particle made up of two or more similar atoms bonded together
    • No electrical charge
  • Chemical Bonds
    • Important in creating compounds
    • Also refers to the formation of a chemical
    • Bonding which then forms compounds
    • Is represented by line in Lewis’s diagram
    • A maximum of 3 bonds between two elements Peach bond is counted as the valence electrons
  • Lone pairs
    2 dots that are together in the same atom but are not bonded
  • All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds
  • Valence Shell
    Outermost shell of an atom
  • Nucleons
    Either protons or neutrons
  • Neutrons
    Equally charged or neutrally charged particles in an atom
  • Energy level or shell
    • The orbit or where the electron orbits
    • Contain a specific number of electrons per level
    • Level 1 → 2 electrons
    • Level 2 + → 8 electrons
  • Nucleus
    Houses two types of nucleons namely: protons and neutrons
  • Lewis Dot Structure or Lewis Diagram
    Shows the number of valence electrons per element, and how they are bonded
  • Atomic Number
    • states the number of protons and electrons
    • number of electron and proton is always the same on neutral atoms.
  • Electronegativity
    • chemical property which is the tendency of an atom to attract electrons toward itself
    • affected by Atomic number and the distance of its valence electrons from the charged nuclei
  • Types of Chemical Bonding:
    1. Ionic Bonding
    2. Covalent or Molecular Bonding
    3. Metallic Bonding
  • Ionic Bonding
    • non metal + metal
    • taking of electrons
    • Polyatomic ionic compound
  • Polyatomic ionic compound: when there are more non metal in the compound
  • Covalent or Molecular Bonding
    • Sharing of Electrons to get stability or 8ve
    • non-metals only
    • shared valence electrons are owned by both atoms
    • low electronegativity