M2: Techniques in Selecting and Organizing Information

Cards (20)

  • Techniques are approaches or methods that you may use as a writer to organize the information that you have gathered, to accomplish your desired aim in writing, and to improve your writing craft. People today want to get to the main information directly, whether it is in the form of words, numbers, figures, or opinions. Readers, in particular, will read the important information, but it should be properly selected and organized.
    • Brainstorming
    • Graphic Organizer
    • Outline
  • Brainstorming is a process of forming ideas and solutions through intensive group discussion. While brainstorming is commonly thought of as a group activity, it can also be done individually. Some studies show that individual brainstorming produces more ideas
  • Again, always remember the first rule of brainstorming: Enumerate, don’t evaluate.
    1. CUBING: a topic or idea is examined from six viewpoints.
    2. FREE WRITING: write what comes to your mind.
    3. LISTING: jot down a list of phrases or single words you will return to later
    4. MAPPING: it is also known as clustering and webbing.
  • Types of Graphic Organizers:
    • Concept Map
    • Webs
    • Mind Maps
    • Flow Diagram/Sequence Chart
    • Venn Diagram
    • Organizational Chart
    • Pie Chart
    • Graph: Line Graph, Bar Graph
    • Table

    illustrates the relationship between two or more concepts and is linked by words to describe their relationships
  • Web shows how different categories of information relate to one another.This type of organizer is mainly used to help students brainstorm ideas.
  • Mind Maps are a visual representation of hierarchical information thatincludes a central idea or image surrounded by connected branches ofassociated topics or ideas.
  • Flow Diagram/Sequence Chart
    This type of graphic organizer shows a series of steps or events in the order in which they will take place. They can be used in outlining the events in the story or showing a procedure in a scientific process.
  • Venn Diagram shows the logical relationships between groups of things. They are most often shown as two circles that intersect in the middle of the page.
  • Organizational Chart: It is a chart that shows the structure of an organization. It will help digitally to arrange the roles of the creators and of anyone who falls after them.
  • Pie Chart: a type of circular graph, which is divided into slices to illustrate a numerical proportion.
  • Graph: A collection of points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation. The most commonly used graphs are the line graph and bar graph.
  • Line graph: connects individual data points that, typically, display quantitative values over a specified time interval.
  • Bar graph: a chart that plots data using rectangular bars or columns (called bins) that represent the total amount of observations in the data for that category.
  • An outline is a general plan of what you intend to write. Inpreparing the outline, you have to classify each piece of informationand its connection to your topic/ subject. The sorted information may be grouped according to content. From this grouped information, you can already provide headings and subheading
  • Types of outline:Topic outline, Sentence outline.

    It arranges your ideas hierarchically (showing which are main and which are subpoints), in the sequence you want, and show what you will talk about. It uses words/ phrases as its entries. Generally, the topic outline is used if the ideas being discussed can be arranged in several ways
    A sentence outline shows exactly what you will say about each mini- topic. It expresses the specific and complete idea that sections all the information. It should be done carefully and thoroughly because it serves as your first draft. A sentence outline uses complete sentences as its entries. You use this type of outline when the topic being discussed is complicated and requires details