Cards (17)

  • Presentation Media – an independent presentation that contains information, using slides, video, recordings and digital representation
  • Digital Slides – a presentation software commonly using PowerPoint. It allows computer users to display information in multimedia presentation.
  • Real-Time Web Access – used to demonstrate how to do something special on the web such as researching ideas and information.
  • They allow users to use different modalities such as: 
  • Custom Navigation 
    • Linking between slides to other media, and to the internet.
  •  Printouts
    • Can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies
  •  Cloud
    • can be uploaded to the web
  • 10-20-30 rule
    • 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 font size
  •  1-6-6 rule
    • 1 main idea, 6 bullets, 6 words per bullet
  • 7-7 rule
    • 7 lines, 7 words
  • Communication Aids are visual support used to make presentation interesting and effective.
  •  PowerPoint – offers users many ways to display information from simple to complex multimedia presentations.
  • Prezi – a visual storytelling software alternative to traditional slide-based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like overview that lets users pan between topics, zoom in on details, and pull back to reveal context.
  • LinkedIn Slideshare – users can upload files privately or publicly in PPT, Word, PDF, or OpenDocument format. Content can then be viewed on the site itself, on hand held devices or embedded on other sites
  • Brainshark – provides a web-based applications and products delivered via software as a service to help companies improve sales effectiveness and productivity.
  • TED.com – an American media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan “ideas worth spreading
  • 9Ps: Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance of the Person Putting on the Presentation