Coulomb’s Law: States that an electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two charges.
Coulomb's Constant: 8.99×109Nm2/C2
Two identically charged one peso coin are 1.5 m apart on a table. What is the charge of one of the coins if each of them experiences a repulsive force of 2.0 N?
Electrostatic Force: The force between attraction and repulsion of charges
Electric Field: The area or field around a charge where the electrostatic force can be experienced.
Test Charge: a single charge whose behavior is measured or determined based on the presence of external factors or stimuli
Source Charge: the charge from where the electric field comes from
Electric Field Lines: Graphical representation of electric field.
Electric Field Lines: The density and thickness of these lines is directly proportional to the strength of the electric field at any region in space.
Electric Flux: Measures the flow of an electric field through a given area.