inferential statistics

Cards (5)

    1. p<0.05 = probability of results being due to chance is less than 5% → accept experimental hypothesis
    1. Sometimes a researcher may need even more certainty their results were not due to chance → choose stricter significance level (0.01
    • When statistical test has been calculated the researcher is left with a numberobserved / calculated value
    • This needs to be compared with a critical value to decide whether the results are significant  
  • sign test :
    1. Use plus or minus sign to indicate direction of difference
    2. Calculate observed value → add up the number of times the less frequent sign occurs. This will give you the S value 
    3. Get the critical value  of S from a table 
    • If research is significant we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis
    • If the research is not significant we reject the alternative hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis