Gland - an organ in the body that synthesises substances such as hormones.
Hormones - chemical substances that circulate in the bloodstream and only affect target organs. They are produced in large quantities but disappear quickly. Their effects are very powerful.
Fight or flight response - the way an animal responds when stressed. The body becomes physiologically aroused in readiness to fight an aggressor or in some cases, flee.
Adrenaline a hormone produced by the adrenal glands which is part of the human body’s immediate stress response system. Adrenaline has a strong effect on the cells of the cardiovascular system - stimulating heart rate, contracting blood vessels and dilating air passages.
endocrine system works alongside the Nervous System to control vital functions in the body. It instructs glands to release hormones into the bloodstream which are then carried towards organs, working more slowly than the Nervous System.
Stressor/threat is perceived by the brain
Hypothalamus in brain is activated
Hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland
Triggers sympathetic branch of Autonomic nervous system
Adrenal gland releases adrenaline from the adrenal medulla, causing body changes such as increased heart rate which creates the physiological arousal necessary for the fight or flight response
Stressor passing is perceived by the brain
Triggers parasympathetic branch of Autonomic nervous system
Returns body to resting state and is sometimes known as the rest and digest response
hypothalamus stimulates and controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland
pituitary gland anterior lobe ACTH stimulates the release of cortisol during stress from the adrenal cortex
pituitary gland posterior lobe oxyticin stimulates the womb to contract during childbirth
adrenal gland adrenal medulla adrenaline flight of flightresponse
adrenal gland adrenal cortex cortisol stimulates the release of glucose
ovaries oestrogen regulates reproductive system, and controls the menstrual cycle and pregnancy
testes testosterone secondary sexual characteristics and maintains muscle growth