types of neuron

Cards (5)

  • sensory neuron:
    • long dendrites short axons
    • carries messages fro pns to cns by conveying info from sensory receptors to neural impulses
    • impulses reach brain converted to sensations so able to respond appropriately
    • some terminate at spinal cord
  • relay neurons:
    • short dendrites and axons
    • receives impulses from sensory neurons and carry to other relay neurons or motor neurons allowing communication between sensory and motor neurons
    • in the brain and spinal cord
  • motor neurons:
    • short dendrites and long axons
    • carries impulses from cns to glands and muscles in the body
    • cell body found in spinal cord and axon projects outside of the spinal cord directly to effector organs
    • motor neurons axons are nerves fibres that carry signals from the spinal cord
  • structure of neurons:
    • ns made up of individual nerve cells by transmitting signals electrically and chemically to neurons providng primary communication system
    • soma contains genetic material
    • dendrites protrude from cell body and carry nerves impulses away fro neighbouring neurons towards cell body and axons carry impulses away from cell body down the neuron
    • end of axons and axon terminal buttons communicate with necxt neuron in chain across synapse
  • structure of neurons:
    • axon covered in fatty layer mylein sheath to insulates and protects and speeds up the electrical transmission of the impulse if it was continious slows down electrical impulse but split up into gaps known as node of ranvier so can jump over
    • neuron has no charge but neuron activated by stimulus the charge for the moment is called the action potential creating electrical impulse travel down axon towards the end of the neuron