Term 1
2) Human resources
6) Implication of legislation on HR
Created by
caleb coughlan
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Cards (4)
Implication of the LRA on the Human Resources function:
Promotes resolution of labour disputes
Protects rights of employees/ employers as outlined in Constitution
Advances economic development/ social justice/ labour peace
Implication of the EEA on the Human Resources function:
Equal pay for work of equal value
Ensure affirmative action promotes diversity in workplace
Retain/ train designated groups through skills development programmes
Implication of the SDA on the Human Resources function:
Ensure training in workplace is formalised/ structured
Contribute 1% of salary bill to Skill Development Levy/ SDL
Appoint full/ part time consultant as Skill Development Facilitator
Implication of the BCEA on the Human Resources function:
Must have break of 60 minutes after 5 hours of work
Businesses should not employee children under 15 years old
Workers must receive double if they work during public holidays/ sunday.