Human causes of change in the CC

Cards (8)

  • Land use change is responsible about 10% of carbon release globally, which impacts on relative short-term stores and has direct links to issues of climate change in global warming. Furthermore, as a local scale, land use changes can have very significant impact. To small-scale cycles.
  • Deforestation is the removal of trees, either by burning or felling for building ranching Mining or the growing of commercial crops such as oil, Palm and soil.
  • Deforestation, as is widespread across the world, but is particularly concentrated in tropical reasons, for example, in Indonesia. In total it accounts for about 20% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
  • In a natural system. When a tree dies, it decomposes very slowly and releases carbon over a very long period of time during that time, new vegetation starts to grow that quickly compensates for the carbon being released by the dead tree.
  • When deforestation by burning occurs, carbon is immediately released into the atmosphere. If the land is then used for a different purpose such as grassland for cattle ranching, the future absorption of Co2 will be reduced, the system has now become a source than a sink
  • Urbanisation is replacing a countryside with concrete and tarmac.
  • OrganizationUrbanisation has a significant impact on the local carbon cycle. Important stores are either replaced (vegetation) or covered up (soils) with impermeavle surfaces
  • Globally urban areas occupy about 2% of the total languages, however, that these areas are count of 97% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions