Urbanisation: an increase in the proportion of a country's population living in a town of city
Urbanresurgence is the population movement from rural back to urban areas
Counterurbanisation is the population movement from large urban areas to mater urban settlements and rural areas
Suburbanisation: the decentralisation of people, employment and services towards the edges of an urban area. This outward growth of lower density urban development, or urban sprawl, is closely linked to the development of transport networks
Suburbanisation usually occurs when wealthy people decide to move away from the central city in the suburbs in search for a better quality of Life.
Suburbanisation's major disadvantage is that it can lead to inner city areas becoming deprived and house prices whin the suburbs increasing
Urban resurgence usually occurs when schemes, created by councils and governments, are put in place that aim to improve the quality of life in the city area.
Urbanresurgence can cause socioeconomic inequalities, as gentrification and excess wealth in the newly redeveloped areas mean that the original population can struggle to keep up with the highprices for houses and living.