Cards (7)

  • For very high energy electrons, successive drift tubes have the same length, Why?
    • Electrons approach the speed of light there is no appreciable increase in speed
    • velocity is constant and electrons spend same time in drift tubes so S=vt must be constant
  • Main equations for Cyclotron and Linacs
    F = Bqv
    F = mv^2/r
    V = 2πr/T
  • Explain the use of electric fields in a Linac
    • Particles are accelerated by electric field in gaps
    • Frequency is constant so time spent in each drift tube is constant
    • This is from the increasing length of the tube
    • The polarity changes it is always accelerating particles
  • Explain why a magnetic field is applied at right angles to the dees in cyclotron
    • Particles experience a force at right angles to their velocity
    • This causes centripetal force
  • Explain how a cyclotron produces the high energy proton beam. (6)
    • There is an alternating p.d / E field
    • E field accelerates electron through the gap
    • Magnetic field is perpendicular to dees
    • So proton path is curved by magnetic field
    • As velocity increases radius of path in dees increase as well
    • time spent by proton in dees is constant
  • Explain why distances between drift tubes increase in first section of linac but are almost equally spaced in the last section of linac? (6)
    • Electrons accelerate in the gaps
    • Frequency of a.c supply is constant
    • Time taken for an electron between tubes is constant
    • Electrosn travel further in a fixed time with a higher speed s = vt
    • In the last section of linac, the electron approaches the speed of light
    • Speed nearly becomes constant so distance travelled nearly becomes constant
  • Which type of collision is more likely to produce new particles with largest mass
    Fixed target - momentum of two beams is zero before collision
    Colliding beams - there will be more kinetic energy available
    • All of the kinetic energy of the two beams available can be converted to mass so colliding beams is more likely to produce a particle with larger mass