Religion and Philosophies

Cards (15)

  • Monotheism
    Worship and belief in one God
  • Polytheism
    Worship and belief in many Gods
  • West Asia
    1. Judaism
    2. Christianity
    3. Islam
    4. Zoroastrianism
  • Judaism
    -Began in Israel
    -Holy book of the Jews: Torah
    -God is called Yahweh
    -Their leaders are called patriarchs
    -Primary teachings: Ten Commandments
  • Christianity
    -Holy book: Bible
    -God: Yahweh
    -Primary teaching: Love God and others
    -Catholic church-a denomination
  • Islam
    -God: Allah
    -means peach and surrender
    -Founder: Mohammad/Muhammad
    -Primary teachings: 5 pillars of Islam
  • Zoroastrianism
    -God: Ahura Mazda
    -Holy book: Zend Avesta
    -World consists of struggles between good and evil
    -Good=Ahura Mazda
    -Evil=Angra Mainyu
  • South Asia
    1. Hinduism
    2. Buddhism
    3. Jainism
  • Hinduism
    -God: Brahman
    -Primary teaching: Pillars of Hinduism:
    1. Karma - result of a person's action
    2. Samsara - cycle of birth and rebirth (karma will determine wether one will reborn into a higher or lower form)
    3. Nirvana - every Hindu aims to break free from the cycle of reincarnation
    4. Gopastami - celebration where cows are cleaned, dresses, and offered food
  • Buddhism
    -Budh - to awake/know
    -Based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama
    -focuses on proper way of living, correct thinking and right conduct
    -4 Noble truths:
    1. Life is full of suffering
    2. suffering is caused by desire
    3. suffering will end with the end of desire
    4. the way to end suffering is through the Eightfold Path
    -types of Buddhism
    1. Mahayana Buddhism-Buddha is a god
    2. Theravada Buddhism-Buddha is considered a teacher and a holy man
  • Jainism
    -based on teaching of Vardhamana Mahivara
    -Became a sadhana-person who turned his back on worldly comforts
    -Kevala - enlightenment
  • East Asia
    1. Buddhism
    2. Shinto
  • Shinto
    -means way of gods = belief that there are gods in nature
    -it is important to clease oneself and send away bad spirits
    -Ritual Cleansing- washing of mouth and hands with water
    -Internal Ritual- Involves worshiping by praying, dancing, singing, and offering food.
  • North Asia
    Shaman- “wise people who heal the sick, cast away evil spirits, and serve as mediators between gods and humans.
  • Philosophies in East Asia
    1. Confucianism
    -rigorous studying
    -educated man
    -book: Five classes
    2. Daoism
    -based on Tao which means the way
    -established by Laozi
    -book: Book of the way of Virtue
    3. Legalism
    -Man is naturally evil
    -a philosophy driven by a system of reward and punishment