Maslow argues people cannot self actualise before all basic needs are met
What is in the hierarchy of needs?
Self Actualisation
Esteem Needs
Belongingness and love needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs
What is self actualisation?
reaching ones full potential
What did Carl Rodgers come up with?
Ideal self, real self and self concept
What is the self concept?
the self you THINK you are
if you have a low self esteem, you will have a low self concept
What is the ideal self?
the self you WISH to be
aim towards it
What is the real self?
the self you ACTUALLY are
3 selves need to be intergrated in order to self actualise
What is congruence?
when the ideal self and self concept are the same
people need to be congurent in order to self actualise
congruency can be achieved through unconditional positive regard - loving someone for who they are (should be shown by friends and family)
What are conditions of worth?
requirements we feel we need to meet in order to be loved
also called conditional positive regard
a person cannot be congruent or self actualise if they experience conditional positive regard
What have Rodgers ideas led to?
client centred therapy
What is client centred therapy?
a counselling technique
the therapists' role is to give the unconditional positive regard that patients do not get from friends or family
also focus on congruency - try to get the ideal self and self concept to be the same
client is expected to have solutions to their own problems
Evaluation for the humanisitic approach?
one strength is that this approach is not reductionist. It ignores biology and personality and instead focuses on the person as a whole (holistic).
another strength is that it is quite positive. Has positive outcomes for people instead of consequences like the psychodynamic approach
a limitation is that there is a culture bias. Ignores the differences between individualistic cultures/collectivist. Others needs may be more important then the individuals so many not be able to self actualise
What are the assumptions of the humanistic approach?
Emphasises the free will of the individual
Prefer a holistic approach that considers the whole person