3 "Justonething I hadleft-Linda - an' I wanted to keepher"
5 "I thought I was gonnashoot y'. But I can't evendothat."
6 "Whydidn't you give meaway! I could'vebeenhim! [ On the word "him", Mickeywaves at Edward with his gunhand, The gunexplodes and blowsEdward apart.] "
7 "And do we blamesuperstition for what came to pass? Or could it bewhatwe, the English, havecometo know as class"
1 "She turnsMickeyaround and points out Edward and Linda"
4 "Does mychildbelongtoyou as well as everything else?"
2 "Mickeyappears from the stalls, a gunheldtwo-handed to steady his shaking hands"