
Cards (18)

  • Functions
    Inhalation and Exhalation
    External Respiration
    Internal Respiration
  • Upper Respiration
    Air breathed in through nostrils into nasal cavity
    Hairs called cillia line the nasal cavities to trap dust
    Inside of nose and throat lined with mucus
    Passes into Pharynx
    Larynx connects to pharynx with trachea
    Epiglottis prevents food into trachea
  • Lower Respiration
    Air Passes into trachea then into bronchi
    Each bronchi goes into a king where it divides into brnchioles
    Capillaries surround alveoli ready to absorb oxygeb
    Co2 retraces steps of air to go back up through nose and mith
  • Mouth
    When nose is blocked oxygen needed
  • Nose
    Cilia line nasal cavity
    filter air and trap dust
  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
    Connecting tube between pharynx and the trachea
  • Epiglottis
    Small flap that closes over trachea when eating and drinking
  • Diaphragm
    Relaxes to aid respiration
  • Trachea - L
    Tubes that carries air to the lungs
  • Lungs - L
    Contains alveoli
  • Primary Bronchi
    Tubes carrying air from trachea into bronchioles
  • Bronchioles
    Filters partciles
  • Alvieoli
    1 Cell thick
    Gas Exhcnage
  • Pleural membranes
    Surrounds each lung to protect from friction
  • Internal Respiration
    Deep down in the body
    Gases exchange
    Cells take o2 and give back co2
  • External Respirtation
    o2 inhaled through mouth
    Diffuses through thin lining of alveoli into capillaries
    Newly oxygenated blood transported via pulmonary viens
  • Pathologies