Chapter 4A (Alcohol)

Cards (46)

  • What is first pass metabolism?
    small amount of alcohol is metabolized in the stomach before absorption into the blood stream
  • What is alcohol dehydrogenase?
    reduces alcohol absorption, genetically people vary in ADH activity
  • Does consuming food beforehand help reduce the amount of alcohol absorbed into the body?
    Yes, by up to 50%
  • Are women more prone to being drunk?
    Yes, due to lower ADH activity within the stomach.
  • Where is alcohol primarily oxidized?
    the liver
  • What enzymes oxidize alcohol in the liver?
    ADH and ALDH
  • Does alcohol reduce the risk of dementia or age-related mental decline?
  • Does alcohol reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease?
  • is alcohol related to caloric intake?
    Yes, people who regularly consume alcohol are more prone to eating
  • Is alcohol related to an increased risk of breast cancer?
    Yes, alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer
  • What are the two different kinds of alcohol disorders?
    alc. abuse and alc. dependant (alcoholism)
  • What is alcohol?
    sugar fermented by yeast
  • Are most natural sugars and starches able to be fermented into alcohol?
  • What is the amount of alcohol recommended for women per day
    1 drink
  • What is the amount of alcohol for the average male to consume per day?
  • Does drinking coffee keep you form getting drunk?
  • Does using a sauna sweat the alcohol out of your body ?
  • Do herbs speed up the breakdown of alcohol?
  • Can chronic and occasional alcohol consumption lead to alcoholism?
  • What is binge drinking?
    5 or more drinks for men
    4 or more for women
  • How long does an alcohol hangover last?
    24 hours or more
  • What are the consequences from a hangover?
    metabolic, biological, electrolyte imbalance
  • What are the consequences from a hangover?
    stomach irritation/inflammation
  • Does alcohol impair brain function?
  • Does alcohol poisoning impede oxygen level to the brain?
  • What is first pass metabolism?
    small amount of alcohol is oxidized in the stomach before entering the blood stream
  • Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
    reduces alcohol activity, metabolic activity varies on genetics
  • Do women not have as much ADH in their stomach as men?
  • What alcohol emtabolic enzymes are found in the liver?
    ALDH, ADH, and MEOS
  • Can alcohol reduce cognitive decline?
  • Does alcohol abuse induce liver problems?
    yes, it can induce fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis
  • Does alcohol increase risk of chronic diseases?
    yes, causes bone problems, pancreatic injury, and cancer
  • Alcohol increases risk of traumatic injury, infant problems, and promotes malnutrition
  • What is alcohol?
    Produced when sugar is fermented by yeas
  • Pregnant women, ppl with a history of alcoholism, medications that interact with alcohol, people who drive and operate machinery, and anyone younger than the legal drinking age SHOULDNT drink . which is funny because
  • Does physical activity or sweating help metabolize alcohol?
  • Does drinking coffee keep from getting you drunk?
  • Herbal and nutritional product do not help to breakdown alcohol
  • What is alcohol abuse?
    defined patterns of alcohol consumption
  • occasional and chronic alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol abuse