Digestive System

Cards (22)

  • Functions
    Turns food into energy
    Packages waste for disposal
  • Mouth
    Teeth break down food
    Enzymes in saliva (amylase) break down some of the fat in food
    Salivia is produced in repose to sensory nerves
    Bolus is formed
  • Tounge
    Group of muscles
    Work together to manipulate food for chewing and swallowing
    Taste buds
  • Pharynx
    Swallowing initiated by touch nerve
    Swallowijg automatically closes trachea - epiglottis
  • Oesophagus
    Joins Pharynx to stomach
    Lined with mucus
    Uses muscular contraction action called peristalsis to keep food moving down
  • Stomach
    Recieives and holds masticated food where it turns to chyme
    Stomach contains three gases:
    Hydrochloric acid
  • Functions of stomach
    Churn food breaking into large particles
    Break down food chemically by gastric juices
  • Small Intestine

    Three sections
    responsible for digestive fats, proteins, carbohydrates
  • Deuodenum
    Receives chyme, receieves bile from gall bladder, enzymes from pancreas, enter through small ducts
  • Jejunum
    Mid Secreion
  • Ileum
    Final Portion
    Leads to Small Intestine
  • Jejunum + Ileum
    Finger like bumps - Villi
    Increase surface area
  • Large Intestine 

    Roughage - Indigestible Vegtables
    Water continues to be absorbed
  • Ingestion
    Taking in the food
  • Digestion
    Break down food
  • Absorption
    Villi in the jujunum and illum
  • Assimilation
    Travelling in blood to cells
  • Excretion
    Large intestine
  • Liver
    Produces Bile - Helps break down fat
    Transferred to gall bladder
  • Gall Bladder
    Muscular wall of fall bladder contracts when food enters duodenum
  • Pancreas
    Secretes pancreatic juice rich in enzmymes
  • Pathologies
    Gall Stones
    Crohns Disease