Chapter 4B (Carbs)

Cards (54)

  • What is the RDA for carbohydrates?
    130 grams
  • AMDR for carbs?
    45-65% intake
  • Why are carbs so important to the body?
    Energy, most cells use glucose as their primary source of energy
  • carb = 4 kcal
  • Gluconeogenesis: occurs when there is not enough carbs for the body. body will make own glucose from bodily proteins
  • Amino acids used in glyconeogenesis can not be reused
  • Gluconeogenesis can cause serious tissue damage to organs
  • Ketosis: carb intake is to low to supply glucose to the brain
  • The breakdown of carbohydrates from the liver produce ketones
  • Ketoacidosis: excess ketones in blood increasing blood acidity
  • AI for fiber?
    25g woman
    38g men
    14g for eveyr 1kcal ocnsumed
  • Fiber
  • Do to many americans consume sugar?
  • DRI: Sugar
    added < 10%
    total < 25%
  • What helps to regulate blood glucose?
    insulin, glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine, norepinephrine
  • Liver: 100g glucose storage, 400 cal
    used for blood sugar regulation
  • Muscles: 100g of muscle
    level increases with exercise and high carb diets. Used for working muscle
  • Diabetes: Type 1

    Accounts for 10%, body does not produce enough insulin.
  • Does diabetes 1 need insulin injections?
  • Is diabetes 1 an autoimmune disease?
  • What diabetes type causes glycemia?
    Type 1 diabetes
  • What is type 2 diabetes?
    Cells do not take up glucose, pancreas has to compensate with producing more insulin
  • Exercise and a healthy diet helps to reduce diabetes risk. exercise is more effective than diet changes
  • What are good sources of carbohydrates?
    fruits, veg, grains
  • What is the most abundant carb?
    Glucose, produced by plants w/ photosyn
  • SImple carbs are only composed of one or two molecules (sugars)
  • Oligosaccharides are made of 3-10 monosaccharides
  • Polysaccs. made of 100s-1000s
  • Starch: plants storage of carbs
  • Amylose: straight chain
  • Amylopectin: branched chains of glucose
  • Resistant starch: glucose molecules linked by beta bonds, indigestible
  • Glycogen: storage of glucose for animals. not found in food, stored in the liver and muscles
  • Fibers: long polysaccharide chains
  • Dietary fiber: nondigestable parts of plants
    Functional fiber: nondigestible fiber known to have health benefits
  • Soluable fibers: dissolve in water, turn it into a gel. are fermentable by intestinal bacteria.
  • Insoluable fiber: so not dissolve, can not be fermented but promote regular bowel movements
  • What kind of sugar is the american diet high in?
    simple sugar, contribute to tooth decay and increase CVD
  • What is insulin secreted by?
    beta cells of the pancreas. stimulars glucose transported to move across the cell membrane
  • Insulin stimulates liver and muscle cells to take up glucose and store it as glycogen