Required practical activity 2

Cards (7)

  • Describe a method to investigate effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth
    1. Prepare an uncontaminated culture of bacteria
    using aseptic technique on an agar gel plate
    Spread bacteria evenly over plate
    2. Place paper discs soaked in different antibiotics
    on agar plate
    3. Include a control disc - soaked in sterile water
    4. Incubate plate at 25 C for 48 hours
    5. Use a ruler to measure diameter of zones of
    inhibition (area where bacteria are killed or
    growth is prevented) around each disc and
    calculate their areas using πr
  • Rp 2:What are the independent, dependent and control variables?
    ● Independent - type of antibiotic / antiseptic on disc
    ● Dependent - zone of inhibition
    ● Control - size of disc, concentration of antiseptic / antibiotic used, incubation temperature and time
  • RP2 Why is it important that cultures were
    not contaminated? (2)
    Unwanted microorganisms can affect growth of cultures so
    affect validity of results
    Contamination could result in growth of pathogens
  • RP 2 How could a student overcome
    measuring zones of inhibition that are
    irregular in shape? (2)
    Repeat readings in different positions around the clear zone
    Then calculate a mean
  • RP 2 Why use a control such as discs soaked
    in water? (1)
    Ensure differences in bacterial growth can be attributed to
    presence of antibiotic / antiseptic not another factor eg. paper
  • RP 2 How could the investigation be
    improved? (1)
    Repeat and eliminate anomalies / calculate a mean
    Use different types of bacteria
  • Describe two aseptic techniques used
    in this experiment. (2)
    Sterilise equipment / surfaces (before use)
    Use sterilised agar
    Secure lid of the Petri dish with (adhesive) tape
    Only lift lid of Petri dish a little (when setting up plate)