Cards (6)

  • Introduction to the wrist:
    • Linkage of forearm and hand
    • Two articulations: radiocarpal joint and midcarpal joint
    • Movements available:
    • Radial deviation (lateral deviation/abduction)
    • Ulnar deviation (medial deviation/adduction)
    • Flexion
    • Extension
  • Anterior view carpus
    A) scaphoid
    B) lunate
    C) triquetral
    D) pisiform
    E) trapezium
    F) trapezoid
    G) capitate
    H) hamate
    I) styloid process of radius
    J) styloid process of ulna
    K) scaphoid tubercle
    L) hook of hamate
  • Posterior view carpus
    A) scaphoid
    B) lunate
    C) triquetral
    D) trapezium
    E) trapezoid
    F) capitate
    G) hamate
    H) styloid process of radius
    I) styloid process of ulna
  • Proximal row:
    A) scaphoid
    B) lunate
    C) triquetral
    D) pisiform
  • Distal row:
    A) trapezium
    B) trapezoid
    C) capitate
    D) hamate
  • way to remember proximal and distal row of carpus - from lateral to medial:
    • Proximal:
    • sally
    • left
    • the
    • party
    • Dorsal:
    • to
    • take
    • cathy
    • home