
Cards (33)

  • detritivores - ingest organic matter then digest it
  • saprotrophs - digest organic matter then absorb it
  • both saturated and trans unsaturated fats contribute to an increased risk of coronary heart disease
  • Using lactase in an immobilized state makes it less likely to become denatured
  • Genes are located in the nucleoid and plasmids in prokaryotic cells
  • predatory (TOP) animals will often be largest in body size but few in numbers because of the energy losses through the body chain not being able to sustain them at a large population size
  • Methane and oxygen gas (water vapor) is most abundent in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas
  • Platyhelmintha shows radial symmetry as a phylum
  • After 8 hours of sleep and no eating, glucagon hormones will be secreted by alpha cells in the pancrease
  • Thyroxin controls the metabolic rate of body cells
  • Pasteur proved spontaneous generation theory wrong
  • Lipid has either a carboxylic acid group, a phosphate group, or a kentone group
  • carbohydrates usually have alcohol groups
  • Amino acids have carboxylic acid groups and amine groups
  • The dipolarity of water explains why it is liquid at room temperature
  • More trees = more fixes of carbon dioxide = negative carbon flux
  • Natural selection reduces variation in a population
  • Phagocytic white blood cells provide non-specific immunity
  • Sometimes convergent evolution causes species of different families to look as if they are from one
  • peat formation happens in wet, acidic and anaerobic environments where carbon can't decompose and be released.
  • Cutting down forests exposes peat to sunlight and dries it, allowing carbon to be released and form CO2 and other harmful GHGs
  • Pancreas produces glycogen (increases blood sugar and simulates liver to turn glycogen into glucose) and insulin (help blood take in glucose properly)
  • Hypothalamus creates oxytocin (pregnancy hormones), and antidromic hormones (inhibiting the release of oxytocin), and antidiuretic hormones (to simulate the kidney to reabsorb water) and it is secreted by posterior pituitary gland
  • Anterior pituitary gland creates growth hormone, prolactin (for baby milk), Thyroid simulating hormone, Follicle simulating hormone (simulates making of gonads), Adrenocorticotropic (simulates cortex to make hormones)
  • The Pineal gland makes melatonin (sleep, body clock)
  • Thyroid makes thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) (metabolic process regulation), and calcitoniin (calcium regulation)
  • Parathyroid creates parathyroid hormones (raises blood calcium for cell signaling)
  • Thymus (not super active in adults) create Thymosin (simulates growth and development of T-cells)
  • Medulla Adrenal Glands creates Epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline and fight or fight response)
  • Cortex Adrenal Glands creates Glucocorticoids like cortisol (increase blood glucose/stress hormones)
  • Ovaries create estrogen (uterus lining growth promotion) and progesterone (lining regulation and maintenance)
  • Testes create androgens (hormones for sperm promotion and masculine traits)
  • EVERYONE has estrogen, progesterone and androgens