Lesson 2

Cards (75)

  • Scientists developed the geological time scale by studying rock layers and fossils worldwide.
  • Eons
    The largest and most general division of time
  • The Mesozoic era is known as the Time of Reptiles and saw the appearance of dinosaurs, mammals, and gymnosperms
  • The Phanerozoic eon began 540 million years ago and is still continuing today
  • Radioactive dating helped determine the absolute divisions in the time scale
  • The Cenozoic era, from 65 million years ago to present days, saw the development of modern mammals, angiosperms, and human beings
  • The Cryptozoic eon (Precambrian time) is the oldest and longest, covering almost 90% of Earth’s history
  • The Geological time scale is a record of the life forms and geological events in Earth’s history
  • CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION is the belief that there was a sudden, apparent explosion of diversity in life forms about 545 million years ago
  • Fossils are evidences of organisms that lived in the past
  • Law of Superposition: if a layer of rock is undisturbed, the fossils found on upper layers are younger than those found in lower layers of rocks
  • The Six Ways of Fossilization
    • Unaltered preservation
    • Permineralization/ Petrification
    • Replacement
    • Carbonization or Coalification
    • Recrystalization
    • Authigenic preservation
  • Fossils can be
    • Actual remains like bones, teeth, shells, leaves, seeds, spores
    • Traces of past activities such as animal burrows, nests, dinosaur footprints, ripples on a prehistoric shore
  • In exceptional preservation, fine details such as original color and individual muscle fibers are retained, features often visible in electron microscopes. This is referred to as the “Medusa effect”
  • The start of the Cambrian was characterized by the breaking up of supercontinent Gondwana into smaller land masses opening up new environmental niches where organisms can colonize and specialize
  • Deleterious Mutations
    • Affect the phenotype and in turn, reduce the fitness of an organism and increase the susceptibility to several illnesses and disorders
  • The Geologic time is divided into four large segments called Eons:

    1 Hadean eon
    2 Archean eon
    3 Proterozoic eon
    4 Phanerozoic eon
  • The Phanerozoic eon is divided into Eras:
    1 Paleozoic era (Past Life)
    2 Mesozoic era (Middle Life)
    3 Cenozoic era (Present Life)
  • Smaller divisions, called Periods, characterized by a single type of rock system, make up each Era.
  • Some Periods are further divided into smaller time frame called Epochs
  • The largest sections of the geological time scale are called “eons” that are divided into “eras” (the 2nd largest section).
  • Eras are divided into “periods” that are divided into ‘epochs”.
  • The eons are: -where both consists of three eras
    1 Cryptozoic (Precambrian) eon
    2 Phanerozoic eon
  • Major eras in Earth’s history are:
    1 Archean era (4600 mya - 2500 mya)
    2 Proterozoic era (2500 mya - 540 mya)
    3 Paleozoic era (540mya - 250mya)
    4 Mesozoic era (250 mya - 65.5 mya)
    5 Cenozoic era (65.5 mya – present).
  • Each Era is divided into even more specific blocks of time called periods where various geologic events are associated with each period.
  • In this eon, Simple organisms like bacteria, algae, and protozoa was born and The oldest rocks that we know were found which dates to about 3.5 billion years old. 

  • Cryptozoic Era is divided into two eras:
    1 Proterozoic era
    2 Archean era
  • In the Archean era, earliest plants (marine algae) were developed and the first life bacteria came into existence (3800 million years)
  • In the Proterozoic era, Marine Invertebrates were probably common few with shells and glaciations took place, probably worldwide.
  • The oldest rocks (3500 million years ago) were formed in the Archean era.
  • The Palaeozoic era is divided into 6 periods:
    1 Permian period
    2 Carboniferous period
    3 Devonian period
    4 Silurian period
    5 Ordovician period
    6 Cambrian period
  • In the Paleozoic era, organisms had hard parts (Shells, exoskeletons)
  • In the Paleozoic era, evolution time and development of pteridophytes, amphibians, reptiles, fishes, wing bearing insects, trilobites etc.
  • The Mesozoic era is divided into three periods:
  • The Cenozoic era is divided into two periods:
    1 Tertiary period
    2 Quarterly period
  • The Cambrian explosion created the complexity of multi-celled organisms in a relatively short time frame of 5 to 10 million years
  • Type of fossil where impression made in a substrate = negative image of an organism, example: shell
  • type of fossil when a mold is fill in example: bones and teeth
  • type of fossil when organic material is converted into stone example: Petrified trees and coal balls
    Petrified fossils
  • Fossilized plants and their tissues, in round ball shape
    Coal balls