In exceptional preservation, fine details such as original color and individual muscle fibers are retained, features often visible in electron microscopes. This is referred to as the “Medusa effect”
The start of the Cambrian was characterized by the breaking up of supercontinent Gondwana into smaller land masses opening up new environmental niches where organisms can colonize and specialize
The Geologic time is divided into four large segments called Eons:
1 Hadean eon
2 Archean eon
3 Proterozoic eon
4 Phanerozoic eon
The Phanerozoic eon is divided into Eras:
1 Paleozoic era (Past Life)
2 Mesozoic era (Middle Life)
3 Cenozoic era (Present Life)
Smaller divisions, called Periods, characterized by a single type of rock system, make up each Era.
Some Periods are further divided into smaller time frame called Epochs
The largest sections of the geological time scale are called “eons” that are divided into “eras” (the 2nd largest section).
Eras are divided into “periods” that are divided into ‘epochs”.
The eons are: -where both consists of three eras
1 Cryptozoic (Precambrian) eon
2 Phanerozoic eon
Major eras in Earth’s history are:
1 Archean era (4600 mya - 2500 mya)
2 Proterozoic era (2500 mya - 540 mya)
3 Paleozoic era (540mya - 250mya)
4 Mesozoic era (250 mya - 65.5 mya)
5 Cenozoic era (65.5 mya – present).
Each Era is divided into even more specific blocks of time called periods where various geologic events are associated with each period.
In this eon, Simple organisms like bacteria, algae, and protozoa was born and The oldest rocks that we know were found which dates to about 3.5 billion years old.
Cryptozoic Era is divided into two eras:
1 Proterozoic era
2 Archean era
In the Archean era, earliest plants (marine algae) were developed and the first life bacteria came into existence (3800 million years)
In the Proterozoic era, Marine Invertebrates were probably common few with shells and glaciations took place, probably worldwide.
The oldest rocks (3500 million years ago) were formed in the Archean era.
The Palaeozoic era is divided into 6 periods:
1 Permian period
2 Carboniferous period
3 Devonian period
4 Silurian period
5 Ordovician period
6 Cambrian period
In the Paleozoic era, organisms had hard parts (Shells, exoskeletons)
In the Paleozoic era, evolution time and development of pteridophytes, amphibians, reptiles, fishes, wing bearing insects, trilobites etc.
The Mesozoic era is divided into three periods:
The Cenozoic era is divided into two periods:
1 Tertiary period
2 Quarterly period
The Cambrian explosion created the complexity of multi-celled organisms in a relatively short time frame of 5 to 10 million years
Type of fossil where impression made in a substrate = negative image of an organism, example: shell
type of fossil when a mold is fill in example: bones and teeth
type of fossil when organic material is converted into stone example: Petrified trees and coal balls
Petrified fossils
Fossilized plants and their tissues, in round ball shape