allergicreactions occur when a person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substance
substance that causes a reaction
results to an inflammatory response which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous
Common allergens
Animaldander: fur
Food: crustaceans,milk,eggs,peanuts,treenuts, and soysauce
. Plants'pollen
Medicine - prescriptionmedicine: Penicillin and over-the-countermedicine: aspiring and herbalpreparations
Mold: mushrooms and mouldspores
Chemicals: industrial and householdchemicals and chemicalproducts
chronic lung disease, inflammation and narrowing of the airways
recurring periods of wheezing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing
starts at childhood
narrowing of the tube = less air to flowintothelungs
swellingworsens = making the airwaysnarrower
triggercells in the airways to make morestickymucus = furthernarrow the airway
Smoking is risky
Cardiovasculardisease (CVD)
includes all the diseases of the heart and circulation including coronary heart disease (angina and heartattack), heart failure, congenital heart disease, and stroke
AKA heartandcirculatorydisease
8.2 million people worldwide have died from cancer in 2012
around 60% of world's total annual cases are from Afirca,Asia, Central and South America
more than 30% of cancer deaths have been prevented
majority of cancers: 90-95% - due to environmental factors such as economical and lifestyle
lifestyle factors: tobacco (25-30%), diet and obesity (30-35%), infections (15-20%) and stress
genetics is only 5-10% of the root cause of cancer
generic term for a largegroup of diseases that can affectanypart of thebody
other term: malignant tumor
results from uncontrolled growth and spread of cells affecting almost any part of the body
can metastasize (spread) to distant sites and often invade surrounding tissues
can rapidly create abnormal cells then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs
may cause death
agents in our environment seem to cause cancer are called carcinogerms
root cause of cancer is unknown
chronic disease, when th pancreas does notproduceenoughinsulin or when the bodydoesnotusetheinsulinitproduces
leads to an increasedconcentrationofglucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia)
Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia that if first recognized during pregnancy
noncommunicable or lifestyle diseases - health problems and conditions that are nontransmissible and come as a result of one's modern lifestyle
lifestyle has a big impact os one's health and life
stress caused by:
poor eatinghabits
tobacco and cigarettesmoking
type 1 or insulin dependant or childhood-onset diabetes
lack of insulin production
type 1 or non-insulin dependant or adult-onset diabetes
body's ineffectiveuse of insulin
often results to body weight and physical activity
means "join inflammation"
Inflammation - one of the body's natural reaction to disease or injury
includes: sweeling, pain, and stiffness
may last for a long time and recurs, can lead to tissue damage
inflammation of one or more of the joints
main symptoms: jointpain and stiffness - worsens by age
most common types: osteoarthritis, rheumatiod arthritis and gout
Osteoarthritis - known as the degenerative joint disease the inflammation often occurs as the cartilage breaks down
degenerates with age
Rheumatoid arthritis - when the body's immune systemagainstdisease mistakenly attacksitself and causes the joint to swell
inflammation then spreads to the surroundingtissues, and eventually damages the cartilage and bone
painful condition
occurs when the body cannot eliminate a natural substance called uric acid
the excessive uric acid forms needle-lie crystals un the joints = cause intense inflammation
body parts affected: big toe,wrist joints, and knee
Common in people who are already hospitalized particularly in critically ill people
Symptoms of ARF/AKI
Come quickly
Have been slowly progressing over a period of time

Kidney infection
Kidney inflammation tissue
A result of severe urinary tract infection (UTI)
Can spread to the blood and can cause further illness
Can have renal disease for long periods of time before noticing
Acute renal failure (ARF) or acute kidney failure (AKI)

Abrupt loss of kidney function
Detected by physicians by the increase in the creatininelevel in the blood

An increase in level is an indicator of a renal insufficiency