musculoskeletal system

Cards (10)

  • femur: the bone of the thigh or upper hindlimb, articulating at the hip and the knee.
  • thoracic cavity is the space between the ribs and the sternum
  • pelvis: the large bony frame near the base of the spine to which the hindlimbs or legs are attached in humans and many other vertebrates.
  • patella: the kneecap.
  • metacarpals: 5 carpal bones, 2 metacarpals, 2 phalanges
  • scapula: shoulder blade, articulates with the thoracic vertebrae
  • joints: where two or more bones meet, allowing movement between them
  • cartilages: connective tissue that is flexible and elastic, found in the nose, trachea, and larynx
  • ligament: a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint.
  • metacarpal: hand