Triune God (my notes)

Cards (12)

  • what are two importances of music in worship?
    increases beauty and makes more joyous worship
    This inspires and unites christians to worship god in faith
  • Why is music in the liturgy important?
    It’s centres around praising God and is all inclusive
  • What are acclamations in the mass?
    Parts of the mass which praise and celebrate God-Gloria, Sanctus, allelulia and mystery of faith
  • why are acclamations in the mass important?
    they introduce readings and prayers-reflection of God to bring peace and harmony
  • What is the meaning of Triune God?
    The belief that God is one but also three persons-Trinity
  • What does the Matthew account tell Christians about the baptism of Jesus?
    The Holy Spirit- (love) in the form of a dove, fathervoice from heaven, son – Jesus
    Three persons who coexist
  • Give a quote that shows Trinity in the Bible?
    “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts“- this shows there are three persons in one (triplet of Holy)
  • Council's of the Magisterium
    Council of Nicaea-stopping the heresy the only God is eternal
    Nicene creed- son is eternally begotten from the father, son and father always exist, and both equal
    Council of Constantinople-to stop nature of Holy Spirit disputes
    Holy Spirit is the giver of life who proceeds from the father, and is the third person of the Trinity
  • Give two quotes from the Nicene creed?
    “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth“
    I believe in the holy spirit, giver of life”
  • Mission and evangelism?
    Mission-sending out/ ACTION- to help the poor and needy
    -share Gods love to others - love outflows through grace
    Evangelism-preaching the word of God (knowledge or experiences)
    -inspiration by the Holy Spirit
  • Give a quote for evangelism?

    “Go forth and make disciples of all nations“
  • Give a quote for each part of the trinity in genesis 1?
    “God created the heavens and the Earth”-God the father
    Wind from God swept over the face of the waters”-God the Holy spirit
    Let there be light and there was light”-God the Son (WORD OF GOD)