Classification of criminal offences

Cards (12)

  • What are the three types of criminal offences?
    Indictable, triable-either-way, summary
  • What is the most serious type of criminal offence?
  • What is the least serious type of criminal offence?
  • What are examples of indictable offences?
    Murder, manslaughter, robbery, s18
  • What are examples of triable-either-way offences?
    Theft, s20
  • What are examples of summary offences?
    Assault, battery
  • What court are indictable offences heard and trialled in?
    Initial hearing in Magistrates' Court, then transferred to the Crown Court for trial
  • What courts can triable-either-way offences be trialled in?
    Plea before either the Magistrates' Court or Crown Court
  • What court are summary offences trialled in?
    Magistrates' Court
  • What is the sentencing powers of the court for indictable offences?
    Up to the maximum set by specific offence by common law or by statute
  • What is the sentencing powers of the court for triable-either-way offences?
    Up to the maximum set by specific offence by common law or by statute
  • What is the sentencing powers of the court for summary offences?
    Up to 6 months imprisonment for a single offence or up to 12 months for two or more offences; and/or a fine (generally up to £5000)