S_L1: Distribution and Abundance

Subdecks (1)

Cards (105)

  • Organisms with uniform spatial distribution tend to have limited dispersal abilities and are often habitat specialists.
  • Natality
    Includes the production of new individuals
  • Interpretation
    Relating model components (parameters, variables) and model behavior to components, characteristics, and behavior of real systems
  • Potential vs realized mortality

    How to measure mortality
  • Common assumptions in population studies: Immigration = emigration
  • How may it happen that the wrong model can give a correct answer?
  • Fertility
    Based on number of offspring
  • Modular vs. unitary organisms: Modular (Clonal)
  • Factors that determine density: Natality - birth rate
  • Abstraction
    Generalization: taking the most important components of real systems and ignoring less important components
  • Longevity
    Age of death of individuals in population
  • Realized vs. potential fertility
    Usually reported as organisms produced per female per unit time
  • Assume closed system e.g. islands, where dispersal is of little importance
  • Models
    1. The importance of models
    2. Models are a tool
    3. Model and reality are linked together by two procedures: abstraction and interpretation
  • Modelling strategy
    • Select optimal level of complexity
    • Avoid the temptation to incorporate all available information into the model
    • Follow specific objectives, don't try to make a universal model
    • If possible, incorporate existing models
  • Self-Regulation of Logistic Growth Model
    1. Sigmoid curve
    2. Growth rate gradual initially = lag, then rapid = exponential, then slows = stationary
    3. Population or system reached max size or carrying capacity
  • Death rate is the converse of survival
  • Dispersal can be measured with the advent of radio-telemetry, primarily limited to larger organisms
  • Richard Feynman: '“People who wish to analyze nature without using mathematics must settle for a reduced understanding.”'
  • Mortality: Catch Curves
    Survival rate between years 2 and 3 = Relative abundance of fish at age III / Relative abundance of fish at age II = 0.50
  • Fecundity
    Potential reproductive capacity
  • Models are always "wrong": '...but many of them are useful'
  • Composition & richness are studied using 5 x 5m quadrats to measure abundance & density in forest/grassland
  • Distribution is a function of scale, often range and abundance are positively correlated. Population ecology is often concerned about density affected by natality, mortality, immigration, and emigration. Measuring density can be relative or absolute
  • Measures of relative density (not absolute) include traps, vocalization frequency, catch per unit effort, percent cover, roadside counts, etc.
  • Class exercise: How to calculate the number of students in a BIOL305 class?
  • How can density be determined?
    1. Measuring absolute density through census, counting trees, etc.
    2. Sampling and statistics by sample areas and extrapolating
  • Other sampling methods
    Transects, Time counts, Mark and recapture
  • Example of mark and recapture: Marked animals in 1st sample, release and sample again in 2nd sample, then calculate the total population size
  • Individual units (Unitary) include organisms like you, deer, mice, etc.
  • Sampling quadrats
    Sample a proportion to estimate the whole area
  • Some organisms come in simple units of individuals (Modular), example: grass, corals
  • Factors that determine density: Immigration and emigration
  • Divide study area into quadrats
    Count density in subset of squares, then average the survey to estimate the whole area