Access to justice

Cards (9)

  • Who provides civil and criminal legal aid and advice in England and Wales?
    The Legal Aid Agency
  • What is the purpose of the Legal Aid Agency?
    Help people deal with their legal problems
  • What is the role of the Legal Aid Agency?
    Ensure that legal aid services from solicitors, barristers and the not-for-profit sector are available to the general public
    Fund the Civil Legal Advice Service
    Publish statistical evidence about the decisions made on whether or not to fund a case
    Run the Public Defender Service for criminal cases
  • What is the role of the Public Defender Service?
    A range of services within the criminal defence market
    Free, full representation of defendants
    Free advice and assistance
    An advocacy service
  • Is the Public Defender Service merit tested?
  • How is the Public Defender Service merit tested?
    Via a 'means test'
  • What does a 'means test' look at?
    A person's household income, capital and outgoings
  • What are advantages the Public Defender Service?
    Funding of cases for those on no/low income
    Stepped contribution process, allowing fairer access to justice for those unable to pay
    Fundamental right to the agency's services as part of the welfare state
  • What are disadvantages of the Public Defender Service?
    Penalises those in employment on moderate to high wages
    Strict means test
    Funding capped by the government - criminal takes priority
    Less attractive to qualified solicitors; lower fees
    Seen as a quick entry into the profession
    Civil legal aid unavailable for tribunals