the process where over time places and people have become more interconnected within the global trading system
what is containerization?
developed in 1967 allowed a method of shipping and unloading goods more efficiently, which meant the manufacturing process could be done in regions where labor cost less.
what is the global shift in manufacturing?
Goods such as clothing, shoes, electronics, toys, cars and ships being manufactured from the 1970s onward in LICs and EEs
What is deindustrialisation?
This is the decline in manufacturing and closure of factories in HICs as it is cheaper in LICs and EEs
What are the different types of globalization in today's world?
Social - people migrating internationally for economic betterment
Political - countries are encouraged to adhere to the rules and norms of international trading and the creation of organizations like the IMF, World bank and WTO
Cultural - 24hr circulation of idead from people all over the world
China accounted for 28% of all global manufacturing output in 2018
280 million people live in a country they were not born in
what are remittances?
Money sent by migrants to their home country.
by 2020 over 80 million people are refugees
2014 over 30,000 syrian refugees arrived by sea to southern italy
the number of migrants fleeing Africa and the middle east has increased since 2015 due to international intervention and wars.
intra-regional flows of migration due to economic betterment from people within the EU
Polish migrants came to the Uk after joining the EU for economic reasons
2013 India received $70 billion in remittances
economic migration can fuel economic growth in both destination country and country of origin but can also cause the 'brain drain' and an aging population in country of origin
fiberoptic cables used to be governed by governments but recently privatecompanies such as Facebook pay for the infrastructure.
There has been a global shift in the governance of these cables
lack of communications infrastructure used to be an obstacle for LICs, mobile phones are changing lives for the better by connecting people and places
2007 safaricom launched in Kenya allowing credit to be transferred by phone, 25million Kenyans use this service
any person who is moving or has moved across an international border or withing a state that is away from their habitual place of residence
what is migration influenced by?
government decisions
distance for migrants to travel
80 million refugees, 30 million of them have crossed a boarder to flee, 5 million have crossed seeking asylum and 45 million are IDPs
what does IDP stand for?
internally displaced person
three out of four international migrants are of working age
What are the three economic zones the world is divided into?
Global Core (HICs), semi-periphery(EEs), periphery(LICs)
Afghanistan(Extreme poverty)
people live below $1.90 leads to out-migration
Only trades in primary commodities
poor coffee beans harvests means income is reduced and limits the development in education in the country
out-migration of skilled people and worsening effect socially and economically
Poor access to global markets
Wealthy countries form trade blocs, Kenyan farmers find it hard to get a good price for the food they sell to European supermarkets this pushed them to seek better life in other countries.
Diaspora of Chinese
many countries have a chinatown, 3 million Chinese born migrants living in USA
What is diaspora?
cultural scattering of a nation's population across the globe.
over 30 million Indians live in almost every country in the world
political caused of migration
colonization - French domination over Algeria, a lot of Algerians migrated to France + speak french, many other African countries also speak French and therefore can migrate to France as there is no language barrier.
Political causes of migration
commonwealth - previously countries under the British empire part of commonwealth able to migrate to the UK
Political causes of migration
1995 Schengen Agreement - removal of national boarders with EU
Soft power - Hollywood, Americanization, Facebook, influence over UN, IMF, NATO and World Bank
Hard power - US military intervention in 50 nations since WW2 e.g Iraq 2000s
Economic power- 320 million people own 20% of global personal wealth
Economic power - Deng open door policy 1970s, FDI from China reaching USA
Hard power - invested in navy, 2 aircraft carriers, 5 nuclear powered submarines
Soft power - funding infrastructure in Tanzania in return for growing crops on their soil, management of port in Sri Lanka
UK encouraged migration after WW2 for both skilled and unskilled labor - this was made easy by colonial ties to countries like India, Pakistan and Jamaica.
Japan - pass-or-go-home-test has a success rate of 1%
Superpowers need migrant labor for work in MNCs in big cites, these tend to be megacites (inhabitants over 10 million)
EU Schengen Agreement
allows the free movement of flows and goods and people across all the EU trade bloc countries without having to stop at national border controls to check passports and paperwork
Romanian migration to Kent
Qualified accountants from Romania are paid more fruit picking in kent then working as accountant in Romania