Lesson 1 [PRH102]

Cards (38)

  • Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    Verbally ask participants open-ended questions
  • Forms data can be displayed in
    • Numbers
    • Text
    • Images
    • Audio
    • Video clips
  • Data Collection Methods
    • Primary Data Collection
    • Secondary Data Collection
  • Data is a unit of information that has been observed, collected, and analyzed in research for reference in decision-making
  • Questionnaires and Surveys
    Distribution of an instrument online or in-person. May consist of open-ended or close-ended questions
  • Primary Data Collection
    • Collected from first-hand experience or directly from the research subject
  • Qualitative Data
    • In-depth interview
    • Observation methods
    • Focus group discussion
    • Document review
    • Oral history
  • Secondary Data Collection
    • Collected from a source that has already been published in any form
  • Quantitative Data
    Data comes in the form of numbers, quantities, and values
  • Qualitative Data
    Descriptive rather than numeric, assess factors like emotions, feelings, subjective perceptions of research participants
  • Common Sources of Data
    • Experiments
    • Surveys
    • Questionnaires
    • Interviews
    • Observations
    • Books
    • Records
    • Biographies
    • Newspapers
    • Published censuses
    • Data archives
    • Internet articles
    • Research articles
    • Databases
  • Quantitative Data
    • Relies on random sampling and structured data collection instruments
  • Questionnaires and Surveys
    • To obtain information about the general characteristics of the research participants
  • Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    • To gain in-depth understanding of perceptions or opinion on a topic of interest
  • Data Collection
    A process of acquiring and analyzing information on relevant variables in a predetermined, systematic way to respond to specified research questions, test hypothesis, and assess results
  • How to collect data for Secondary Data Collection
    Find existing datasets that have already been collected, from sources such as government agencies or research organizations
  • Advantages of Secondary Data Collection
    • Inexpensive
    • Ease of access
    • Potential for comparative analysis such as longitudinal, cross-sectional, or contextual studies
  • Advantages of Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    • Can build rapport with participant/s
    • Follow up questions can be given
  • Disadvantages of Secondary Data Collection
    • Currency and objectivity of research
    • Uncertain validity of some secondary data
    • Issues on authenticity and copyright
  • Secondary Data Collection
    To analyze data from populations that you can't access first hand
  • Mark Twain: 'Data is like garbage... you'd better know what you're going to do with it before you collect it'
  • Disadvantages of Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    • Time consuming to analyze response
    • Needs experienced facilitator and highly trained interviewers
  • Advantages of Archival Research
    • Less investment of time and money
    • Gains access to large amounts of data without interacting with research participants
  • Advantages of Experiment
    • Flexible to conduct the test under limitless conditions
    • Time-bounded
  • Disadvantages of Observation
    • Difficult to interpret observed behaviors
    • May be time consuming to record each individual event
  • Advantages of Observation
    • Exist in natural, unstructured, and flexible setting
    • Provide direct information about behavior of individuals or groups
  • Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    To gain in-depth understanding of perceptions or opinion on a topic of interest
  • How to collect data for Experiment
    Manipulate variables and measure their effects on other variables
  • Archival Research
    To understand current or historical events, conditions, or practices
  • How to collect data for Observation
    Measure or survey a sample without trying to affect them
  • Disadvantages of forced choices
    • May miss certain responses from participants
    • Phrasing may create biases among responses
  • How to collect data for Archival Research
    Assess manuscripts, documents, or records from libraries, depositories, or the internet
  • Factors to consider before data collection
  • Experiment
    To test causal relationships
  • Disadvantages of Archival Research
    • Available information may be incomplete
    • Gathering information is dependent on quality of records kept
    • No guarantee of consistency
  • How to collect data for Interviews / Focus Group Discussions
    Verbally ask participants open-ended questions in individual interviews or focus group discussions
  • Disadvantages of Experiment
    • Almost impossible to simulate the controlled environment to be exactly the same as that of the real world
  • Observation
    To understand something in its natural setting